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I am looking for info on my 3x great grand parents.

He is Patrick Boyce comes from County Clare. Born in 1798. He married Catherine Halloran ( or Holoran or O'Hearn) but not sure she's from County Clare  She was born in 1803.

They left Ireland with 2 children in 1826 and emigrated to New Brunswick Canada.  Mary born in 1820 and John born in 1823

Many thanks for any insight into other family conections


Colleen Hennessy



Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 04:34AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Colleen

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have passed this to one of our Clare volunteers who may be able to help/point you in the right direction

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 02:19PM
  • Hi Colleen:

    Thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out. The Boyce surname was here (and still is!) in our parish. If you can give me any more information, please email me at :

    I'll take a look for you and get back to you if I find anything of interest.

    Kind regards,


    PS You might also want to check out the Clare Library website which has great online resources. Their link is:

    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 03:23PM
  • I have received a tip on the origin of the Boyce Family and O'Halloran Families..the latest lead shows them to be in Clonlea Parish.. 

    Monday 12th Jan 2015, 02:37PM

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