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Both Owen, (my g.grandfather) b. abt 1830, and Lawrence b. abt 1835, were Catholic and imigrated to the  USA. Believe that Owen arrived first in th late 1840s and settled in Sullivan Co, NY. Believe Lawrence arrived in the middle 1850s and settled in Ulster Co, NY.  The story goes that Owen always said he was from Virginia, in County Cavan. Owen's parents Charles and Mary, were suppose to have been dead when one or both of them imigrated.

 Mary Donohoe had a brother by the name of Anthony, b. abt 1810. He was Catholic and imigrated with a wife by the name of Catharine b. abt 1814, and a daughter Ann b. abt 1842, in the early 1840s. Anthony had settled in Sullivan Co, NY. At that time there was  a Donohoe relative named Andrew b. abt 1795, living in Ulster Co, NY. 

Owen ended up in Md, Lawrence in Pa, Anthony in Pa, and Andrew died in NY. Church records just say Owen was from Ireland. On Anthony,s stone it says he was from Killinkere, County Cavan. The only Donohoe's I can find in Killinkere at about that time was in Drummallaght, so I assume Anthony was from that area. Mary Donohoe, my g.g.grandmother, married Charles Lynch so I would think he was from that parish or one of the ones close by. 

Hope some day to find just where our family was living in Ireland and locate some of our Irish relatives.

Steve Lynch



Wednesday 11th Jul 2012, 12:43AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Steve, have been looking at unanswered queries and you have a lot of info, you could try some of the at least 3 private Facebook pages on Cavan Genealogy and there is also a DNA matching one, usually require a Gedmatch number, if that is double Dutch not to worry, not everyone's cup of tea.

    Here is a site of civil parishes in Ireland, church parishes may vary slightly or by name. 

    Good Luck


    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 20th Feb 2024, 10:51PM
  • Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 20th Feb 2024, 10:52PM

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