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My great-great grandmother was Susan O'Dowd.

An obit I found for her reads: "Sexton, Susan (nee O'Dowd), wife of John Sexton, died at her Michigan Avenue residence on Sunday morning. Mrs. Sexton was the daughter of Philip O'Dowd, a respectable farmer of Cavan Ireland and first saw the light of day on May 15, 1818.  her husband was also a Cavan farmer. Ten children blessed the union, five of whom are living namely, Messers. P.J. and J.M.L. Sexton, Mrs. Charles F. Keeler and Mrs. Reilly of Chicago and Mrs. Arrow (sic) of Cincinnati, Ohio. The family came to America about the year 1850 and settled first in Cincinnati where several of the children were born. Mr. Sexton, Sr. died before the birth of the youngest child.  In 1872, after years of hard but successful struggle, the family moved to Chicago.  Mrs. Sexton sustained a great shock in the death of one of her sons, Mr. Thomas Sexton, a few years ago.  Gifted with a fine constitution, she preserved her faculties to the last, and could sew and embroider without glasses up to the time of her seizure.  The funeral occurred on Tuesday morning from the residence to St. John's Church, then to Calvary Cemetery."    CHICAGO CITIZEN, 19 November 1887, as presented in CHICAGO IRISH FAMILIES, 1875-1925, posted on web site."

I found a Susan Dowd, with a father Philip in the 1821 Census,Killikonnin Townland, Lavey Parish, Co. Cavan, Ireland  but her calculated birthdate was 1815 arther than 1818.

Her husband was John Sexton. and 4 of their children were born in Ireland, presumably also in Co. Cavan - Eliza(beth), Susan, Patrick Joseph (P.J.), and Mary. 

The daughter Eliza married a Thomas Reilly, also from Co. Cavan in Cincinnati, OH., in 1859.

There is a Father Smythe mentioned as a cousin of the family. 

I would be most grateful for any hints or information on this family.

Thank you

Judy Schneider

Friday 7th Oct 2016, 01:37AM

Message Board Replies

  • Judy:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The 1821 census record is very interesting and it is possible that Susan made herself younger at some point either when she married or later. The fact that Philip had four servants which ties to the "prosperous farmer" comment on the obit.

    I looked at the 1834 Tithe records for Lavey civil parish and there were a number of Dowd records including Phil and three other Dowds who were in Killyconnan townland.…

    I was not able to locate any church records on Roots Ireland for the family.

    You mentioned ten children. Was there a Philip?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 7th Oct 2016, 05:04PM
  • Thank you Roger. As you can see, I have not revisited this site for quite a while. 

    John and Susan Sexton had no Philip among their ten children that I am aware of. (But I only have names for 9 of the 10.) They are Eliza (b. 1841), Susan (b. 1842), Patrick Joseph (b. 1843), Mary U. (b. 1844) - all born in Ireland - presumably in Co. Cavan.

    Katherine (1849) Thomas (1855) John M. L. (1857) were all born in Ohio. Margaret and Rosetta I have no birthdates or birthplaces for.

    Again, I do appreciate your response.

    Judy S


    Friday 15th Sep 2017, 07:49PM

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