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I would like to find info on Michael McDonnell married to Bridget Denning - both names may be spelled differently - Denning is used in US, but a Mormon site shows Dinnen/Dinon. Births, parents, unknown.

Michael and Bridget lived in Clifferna as their daughters were born there in early 1860's - Bridget,Margaret and Mary Agnes (show 2 birth dates, so older one may have died).  Roman Catholic

Girls came to US, but exact dates are unknown.  I have little info to work with.  Did find McDonnell's in the

griffths valuations in Larah/ Clifferna area, but nothing else.  I would appreciate any help.

Saturday 11th Jan 2014, 10:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • There was still a McDonald family farming in Clifferna in 1901. Since they were the only family, I'd guess that's Michael's former home:

    and in 1911:

    That family looks to be Francis McDonnell who married Mary Sexton. Marriage registered in Cootehill 1872 volume 3, Page 195. If you order a copy of that certificate, apart from hopefully confirming my supposition, it will give you Francis?s father?s name. The farm usually went to one of the elder sons.  It?s possible that Michael McDonnell was the young brother of Frances who inherited the farm. He?ll surely be a close relation.

    You can order a photocopy of the civil marriage certificate from GRO Roscommon for ?4. Put the place, year, volume & page number on the application form (anywhere). Don?t worry about leaving some boxes blank. You don?t need to fill them all in if you have the reference details. You have to post or fax the form to them but they will e-mail the copy certificate to you if you wish. Tick the relevant box on the form.

    Tradition was to marry in the bride?s church (assuming the couple attended different churches) so that may be the place to look for the bride?s baptism and that of any siblings. Unless it was a registry office marriage, the specific church and denomination will be on the certificate.

    The tithe applotment records for 1833 show John & James McDonald jointly farming 12 acres of land in Clifferna. Presumably these are the next generation back from Michael & Frances.

    The National Wills site reveals that Francis McDonald died in 1918. He died intestate and Mary McDonald was appointed his executor. His probate file should be in the National Archives in Dublin.

    Michael & Brigid appear to have married before the start of statutory marriage registration (1864 for RC marriages) and so you won?t get a civil certificate for their marriage. You might find the marriage in parish records. There?s a set for Larah RC parish held by Cavan Heritage and the originals should still be with the parish priest but I can?t see that they are on-line anywhere yet. Marriages start in 1835 but baptisms don?t start till 1876, according to this site:




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 12th Jan 2014, 02:12AM
  • Thank you, Elwyn for your response.  I (as of now) have no way to connect Francis McDonnell to my

    Michael.  I also found John, James and Bernard, but again cannot connect them.  Since I do not think

    that Michael had any sons, I can't try to follow a naming pattern either.  However, your information on the census led me to some info - there was a Mickey Sexton living in the household of Francis/Mary.  When

    I checked the parish website, there is a Sexton family still  in the parish.  I wrote the parish Priest, but have not heard back.  My success at other parishes is zero.  The secretary in Kilkee parish said she would help, and then said "I can't help you" and yet she says she has some information to share.  The priest in Limerick (Loghill/Ballyhahill) also never responded.  Since they have the only available information, what else are we to do when they won't respond?  yet others seem to get assistance from parish.  I will

    continue to search.  I have a very limited amount of money to send for birth/marriage cert. so I need to

    proceed with the most likely to be the correct one.  A cousin of mine sent for Mary McDonnell's birth

    cert and refuses to even tell anyone any info from it - but I don't know if she found the 1868 or 1872 one, or if she found the correct one or not.

       I will post back here if I find anything else.  I appreciate the time

    you spent looking for this info for me, and it has been very helpful.

    Tuesday 14th Jan 2014, 09:41PM

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