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John Sheridan of Legalough married Ellen Carty in Killesher C of I in 1797. His ancesters are said to have come from Cavan and possibly to be related to an RC priest who translated Bible into Irish. 

Wednesday 12th Jun 2013, 10:56AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi John,

    Thank you for your message.

    It will be difficult to find information on John Sheridan without a more specific location in Cavan. Most Irish record sources- church records, land records, census records- are based on specific locations. Until you know a specific location within Ireland, preferably a parish or placename, it may be difficult to do anything more with these records.

    Do you have any documentation pertaining to the family that mentions any place names at all? This can include wills, marriage/death records,census records, letters, diary entries etc.

    Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    It may be an idea to contact Cavan Genealogy to see if they can be of any assistance, however a fee may apply. Here is their email:

    Best wishes,

    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013, 02:56PM

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