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I am researching my maternal ancestors from Tullyhunco, Killeshandra, Cavan. GGgrandfather was Hugh Farrelly (name became Farley in US) and my GGgrandmother was Anne Donohoe. According to church (Kilmore) records, they had at least 5 children - Anne, Julia, Hugh, Ellen and Rose born between 1858? and 1870. I think the children all immigrated between 1880 and 1890 and settled in Brooklyn, New York. I'm looking for any information on the Farrelly and Donohoe families before 1840-50 to find out GGGgrandfathers & GGGgrandmothers from Cavan. Any info would be appreciated.

Jean Walsh



Monday 30th Mar 2015, 12:33AM

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  • Jean:

    The 1856 Griffiths Valuation for Killashandra parish shows a Hugh Farrelly living on Main St. in Ardagh town. He was the only Farrelly in Killashandra but there were a number of Farley entries.

    There were also a good number of Donohoe entries in the parish.

    The 1832 Tithe listings for Cavan shows six Farrelly entries for Killashandra parish.

    I looked for marriage records on Roots and the only Hugh Farrelly marriage to an Ann was in 1845 which seems too early for your family.

    Later this summer the National Library of Ireland plans to place all RC parish registers online for free searching.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 30th Mar 2015, 03:53PM
  • Thank you for responding so quickly. When trying to trace the Farrelly family in Killeshandra, a couple of times I came up with Main Street. The Farrelly/Farley girls, Anne & Rose are listed as dressmakers/spinners on certain manifests/census in New York. Also, I found each family member seemed to deduct a few years off their life, so it is hard to pinpoint the marriage or birth of their parents. I can't find Julia at all in the church baptism records which made her 1861 birthdate unrealistic. I don't even know if she is the oldest. I am assuming with what I have that her parents were married in the 1850s.

    Thanks again for you help. I have not seen the 1832 listing and will check into it.

    Jean Walsh


    Tuesday 31st Mar 2015, 11:05AM
  • Looking through the church records made available, I have the feeling that my great, great grandfather Hugh Farrelly, who married Anne Donohoe and according to an 1857 record, had farmed property in Snakeel, Killeshandra. Looking at the parish records, he might have been the Farrelly that died in 1869 and his wife Anne dying in 1874 might have been the reason why their children immigrated to New York. I see there are still Farrelly and Donohoe families in that area.


    Tuesday 22nd Dec 2015, 05:08AM
  • Hello, I have Mary Farrelly marrying James McDougall 2nd September 1879 in Warwich Catholic Church, Queensland Australia. Mary gives Hugh Farrelly (farmer) and Ann Donohoe as her parents (the are not listed as being deceased). On the marriage certificate she says she was born in Killishandra, is a general servant and is 26 years old. The witnesses are Richard Maloney and Bridget Farrelly.  So Mary was born around 1853. I also thought her surname was Farley.


    Friday 16th Sep 2016, 08:40AM
  • Thank you for your research. I'd love to look into Mary & Bridget Farrelly/Farley and what now seems to be two older siblings of Julia, Hugh, Anne, Ellen & Rose. Where is this record?


    Saturday 17th Sep 2016, 01:41PM
  • Mary Farrelly and James McDougall had three children, Annie, Bessie and David, a lovely man who was my grandfather. James died in 1885 and Mary in 1925 in Cowra, New South Wales, Australia. Mary is buried in Cowra, next to her son David and a grand-daughter and son in law.

    I have not been able to find record of Mary's birth in Killashandra, nor Hugh Farrelly and Anne Donohoe's marriage. The site I've been researching is ''. It has photo copies of old church records. I have the family tree on under 'McDougall/Flinn Family Tree'.


    Sunday 16th Oct 2016, 04:23AM
  • Looking at the National Archives census website, I read that the 1821 and 1841 census for Cavan was complete. So If I find the only Hugh Farrelly, age 19, in the 1841 census, living in Killeshandra (Townland - Kilgarve), should I assume this is my GGgrandfather. I now know that he had a a baby girl Mary born in 1853 (thank you Lesley for this info) with his wife Anne Donoho, who is also listed in the 1841 census in a Donoho household. I had first thought his first child was Julia with her birth date listed as 1861 on a US census. I think this is off by a few years because I found her brother Hugh Jr born in 1861 in church records. I now know there was maybe another girl born, Bridget, before Julia. So he probably didn't marry until the early 1850's which would put him at 28-30 years of age at in 1850 if this Hugh is my GGgrandfather.

    Searching the Griffith's valuation, I came across two Hugh Farrelly names dating aound 1857. One is listed in a townland called Snakeil/Snakeel. This townland isn't listed on the 1841 census. So by 1857, my GGgrandfather is either the Hugh living on Main Street in Arvagh, (Drumalt) or he farming in Snakeil.

    The church records for his children Hugh, Anne, Rose, Elisha and Ellen are in the Kilmore parish records. these records start at 1859 so I coiln't find Hugh & Anne's marriage or Mary, Bridget and Julia's births.


    Saturday 17th Jun 2017, 01:08AM

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