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My great-great-great grandfather, Philip Augustus Fitzpatrick, was a native of Drumlane Parish in County Cavan, according to his obituary.  He was born around 1828 and came to New York City around 1852 and became a U.S. citizen not long after.  He died in New York City in 1874 at age 46.  He was a successful liquor dealer, real estate owner and builder.  He married a Bridget Daly in the U.S.  He had a sister, also named Bridget, who was married to a Robert McGuire.  She died in 1860 in New York City (he died before her) and she was listed as being a native of Belturbet, County Cavan.  She was 39 when she died.  There also was a brother named Hugh, who died in New York City in 1862.  He was 25 when he died and was listed as a native of County Cavan.  There also are POSSIBLY two sisters.  Catheine "Kate" Fitzpatrick, who married a Francis "Frank" Blessing in the U.S.  He was a native of County Cavan and possibly Drumlane Parish.  Kate was born in 1835 in Belturbet and died in New York City in 1880.  She had a sister, Margaret, born May 1830 and who came to the US in the 1860s.  She died around 1905 and never married.  I am looking for the parents of these children and any connections to them. 


Tuesday 13th Nov 2012, 04:20AM

Message Board Replies

  • There are a few Cavan Fitzpatrick's in my New York County Cavan Association. I will show them your names and see if they have any information. Thanks for the query.    Regards,  Mike McGovern

    Wednesday 14th Nov 2012, 05:48AM
  • Thanks.  If it might help any, the daughter of John Joseph Fitzpatrick married George Charles DeLacy Jr. of New York City  and the daughters of Philip Augustus Fitzpatrick (the son) married Harvey Knowles and Robert P. Kohler. both of the Glen Cove area of Long Island.  I know these latter two branches of the family well, but not the DeLacy.


    Thursday 13th Dec 2012, 05:02PM
  • Philip, Hugh, Catherine, and John appear in my Fitzpatrick from Townland of Derryvony, Drumlane Parish.

    Of 9 known children of Daniel Fitzpatrick and Mary Cosgrove; two, Hugh and Roseann (married AB Ryder) went and lived in New York.  Hugh and Roseann's eldest known brother was Patrick who was born about 10 years after your Philip Augustus Fitzpatrick.  Hugh went to New York in about 1860 and after the Civil War joined the NYPD.

    I doubt that there is any immediate connection, but maybe there is a cousin or uncle-nephew relationship??

    I'm in contact with some of Hugh's line who live in the USA and have a pretty good trace on Hugh's family locations in the New York area into teh mid 1900s.  It would be interesting to see if your Fitzpatrick were living near Hugh in New York.  Do you know what part of New York Philip Augustus lived.

    I know a Fitzpatrick in California who was born in the Belturbet area and is mothe ror Grandmother was a Blessing.  I'll email a copy of your original post to him.

    Kind regards, Bernard Fitzpatrick from Australia.


    Sunday 10th Feb 2013, 02:29AM
  • Hi,

    Here is what I know -- and it might be more than you want.  If you want more, contact me off line at


    Philip Augustus Fitzpatrick (Father):

    1857 -- 39 West 13th Street

    1860 -- his business (Liquors) is at 786 6th Street

    1860 -- he gets a building permit to build 4 townhouses on West 46th

    1870 -- he lives at 71 West 46th Street in one of the four townhouses.

    1872 -- his business (builder) is at 842 6th.

    1876 -- he dies.  Obit says he is a native of Drumlane Parish, County Cavan

    Family stays at 71West 46th until after 1905.  Son John Joseph Fitzpatrick lives there with daughter Grace (his wife dies shortly after marriage and childbirth -- her maiden name was McAleenan).  Second son, Philip Augustus, lives there until after 1905 when he ends up in the Yonkers area.  After his wife (Isabella Bogart) dies, he moves to Glen Cove, Long Island, to be near Isabella's sister.  Daughter Agnes E. "Nellie" never married, always lived with her mother and died in 1905 when they were summering in Lake Placid.


    Hugh Fitzpatrick (Younger brother)  1837-1962

    1860 -- Census shows him in 19th Precinct, District 1 (he is listed  about three doors down on the same page as brother Philip Augustus)


    Bridget Fitzpatrick McGuire (Sister)  1821-1862

    I know little about her except the obit where she is listed as a widow of Robert McGuire and a native of Belturbet)  Hugh and Philip are listed as her brother.  I have found no information on Robert McGuire.  However, I have an O'Brien set of relatives that appear in 1880 and are raised by Philip Augustus Fitzpatrick's wife, Bridget.  Their mother's maiden name was McGuire.

    1857 -- grocer at 80 West 18th

    1860 -- home is 102 West 19th


    Catherine "Kate" Fitzpatrick (1835-1880) is the wife of Francis "Frank" Blessing (1812-1903) is from Drumlane Parish, County Cavan.   According to census data, they married about 1865.  Frank Blessing apparently came to the US, returned to Ireland for a period, and then returned to the US.  I don't know if he married her in the US or Ireland.  According to her obit, she is a native of Belturbet.

    1870 -- residence in 811 6th Ave.

    1880 - residence is 100 West 46th Street


    Margaret Fitzpatrick (1830 - after 1900)

    She lives with the Blessings in 1880 - 1900 and is listed as his sister-in-law.  According to census data, she would have arrived around 1849.


    There is also a "son" who is Andrew, but research has found other references to him as a nephew, which makes more sense since he is 37 in 1880.  I have never found a record of his parents and don't know whether he is related through Frank Blessing or Catherine Fitzpatrick.


    Here is how I like the Blessings and Fitzpatricks.

     -- Frank Blessing and Philip Augustus Fitzpatrick Sr., were in numerous business and land deals together.  Both were active in Tammany Hall politics.  Philip Augustus was a "health warden", which was about managing liquor.  Frank Blessing become  the commissioner of NY County courthouse and liquors.

    -- After Philip Augustus Sr. died, his wife Bridget still continued to have real estate transactions with Frank Blessing.

    -- They are listed in various newspapers articles as attending many of the same events, including family funerals and weddings, as well as social events.

    -- Frank Blessing and Catherine Fitzpatrick Blessing had one daughter, Mary.  She married Joseph Slevin Jr. in 1900.  He died in 1907 and the couple had no children.  Grace Fitzpatrick (the daughter of my John Jospeph and his wife Mary McAleenan) was left with no parents after both died.  She was raised by grandmother Bridget, widow of Philip Augustus.  Bridget also raised Alice O'Brien who was orphaned at a young age (her mother was the McGuire).  After Bridget died in 1910, Mary Blessing Slevin became the sponsor and chaperone of both girls.  She travelled with them, they lived with her until they married.  In the case of Grace (who married George C. DeLacy Jr. and was widowed with two young children), she was living with Mary Slevin in 1940 after her husband had died and Mary was listed as her "mother" on the census, obviously inaccurate.


    I have alot more if you are interested.  Contact me off line at







    Monday 11th Feb 2013, 09:18PM
  • Bernard,

    This is a really old chain of messages but in case you see it, I have created a "directory" of addresses where my Fitzpatricks lived in New York as well as finding some more siblings.  If you are interested, let me know.


    Deb Woolley



    Tuesday 1st Nov 2016, 03:54PM

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