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Tracking the family of Terrence Donoho of Drumlane Parish, Co. Cavan.  Born circa 1810, left for America in 1836.  Settled in St. Louis City, Missouri. Brother Francis Donoho joined him in St. Louis. Francis died in St. Louis in 1842.  Terrence Donoho married Irish-born Mary Cox in St. Louis in 1845.  He died in St. Louis in 1884 and is buried at Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis.

Brother John Donoho (died in Co. Cavan in 1867) married Margaret McGovern and had four children:  Mary, Ann, John, and James.

Sister Margaret Donoho remained in Co. Cavan and married a James Riley.

I believe that the father of these four siblings was named Francis Donoho, and was alive as late as 1847 living in Drumlane Parish.

Any information regarding Donohos from Drumlane parish will be gratefully recieved.  Please contact


Thank you.

Friday 1st Aug 2014, 10:00PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Terence

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I had a look on but there doesn?t seem to be any relevant baptism records for a Terence for the time you suggest.  You could use this site (or to search for Terence?s siblings and see if you could further you research on him through them (as you believe they stayed in Cavan). There are only 5 death records on that site for the Donoho family. It might be a good idea to have a look. 

    There are also only 27 Donoho entries on the 1901 Census:…

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 6th Aug 2014, 11:38AM

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