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I realize there is very little information available for the early 1800's, but I keep hoping that someone else from the same family is looking for ancestors. My gggrandfather James Hughes, was born c1810. Because he  named his oldest son Joseph, it is possible that his father's name was Joseph. He emigrated to England and because I cannot find his marriage to Eliza Cashin (most likely not from Armagh), I cannot be sure that Stockport, Cheshire, where he was living in 1842, is where he first settled. His oldest daughter Mary was not baptized in Stockport so they might have arrived in another city when they emigrated. Civil records begin the 2nd half of 1837 so it is possible that James married early in 1837. There is a story that has been passed down in this family, that James was studying medicine in Armagh but he had to leave that behind when he emigrated. I would think that he did not go to college but rather served as an apprentice to a doctor. The only Joseph Hughes in Armagh at the time of the Tithes lived in Middletown, Tynan parish, and in Middletown there was also a doctor so there is a good chance James came from Tynan parish. I am looking for other Hughes families who named an oldest son Joseph. Perhaps my James was a younger son and was forced to emigrate, but perhaps an older brother remained in the area. I am not sure which names are Hughes names and which are Cashin names, but the names of James's children in their birth order are Mary, Joseph, Eliza, Ann, Alice, James, George, and Peter. There is no son named for Eliza's father so it does look as if Joseph was named for James's father. I am including this message, always hopeful that I will learn which family was mine in Armagh. Thank you, Janice Kenney Fortado 


Friday 9th Nov 2012, 11:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • the this person sound like one of yours

    Tynan parish

    Mary Jane Cowan, daughter of John Cowan of Doogary married Robert Hughes in Tynan COI on 22 Nov. 1855. The witnesses were James Mitchell and Thomas ?ul.

    Robert Hughes was born about ABT 1826

    this could be wife death but I have no proof

    (Research):Mary Jane Hughes «tab»
    Date Of Death: «tab»17/01/1881 «tab»
    Date Of Grant: «tab»20/07/1881 «tab»
    Effects: «tab»Effects £200 «tab»
    Registry: «tab»Belfast «tab»
    Full Abstract:
    Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Mary Jane Hughes late of Sandy-row Belfast deceased who died 17 January 1881 at same place were granted at Belfast to Robert Hughes of Sandy-row Belfast Cow Keeper the Husband.


    Sunday 30th Dec 2012, 06:44PM
  • I have a marriage certificate for Owen Hughes and Sarah O'Hare.  They are my great  granparents.  They were married June 1, 1882 in Middletown Parish, Tynan Roman Catholic Parish, Armagh.  They were both servants.  There ages are 25 for Owen and 20 for Sarah.  Owen's father is Patrick Hughes and he was a laborer.  Sarah's father is John O'hare and he was a farmer.  John may have been married to Mary Donnelly.  I am not positive of this.  Owen and Sarah moved to Edinburgh where their 4 sons were born--Peter, Owen, James, Patrick.

    I would love to get back further in time and find out where and when Patrick Hughes was born so that I can find his parents names and the same for John O' Hare and his wife.  I would appreciate any help.

    From what I know they were poor and uneducated.  I have heard they had roots in Wales, but I have no idea how far back and if that is true.  The names are so common it is difficult!

    i appreciate any help I can get.  I have been researching my roots for awhile.  This research led me to find a distant cousin living in England and we actually met while she was visiting the US. She had a photo of my grandfather that he had sent back to "the old country".  I recognized him!  I visited Dublin a few years ago and loved the area.  

    Thank you for any help you can give.  Kathy



    Thursday 8th Aug 2013, 06:54PM

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