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I know that Ann Wright and William and Thomas Vennard were parents of my great great grandfather Thomas Wright Vennard who was born in Cloncore (Clonmore?) Armagh March 29, 1827. Thomas Wright Vennard was married to Mary Ann Taggart in Tartaraghan Parish Church. Thomas Wright Vennard's brother Joseph was married to a Mary Ann Watson. Joseph lists his father as Thomas Vennard while Thomas Wright Vennard lists his father as William Vennard so I am confused why 2 brothers would list different father names. I have no details of Ann or William/Thomas other than I believe William/Thomas Vennard was a draper on West O'Neilland land. I have a freeholder list of 1824 indicating a George, Thomas and 2 William Vennards which I believe is my 3 times great grandfather. Any information on Ann Wright & William/Thomas Vennard is appreciated.


Thursday 27th Feb 2014, 11:42PM

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  • Corrections: first sentence should say William or Thomas Vennard. Sentence re: the 1824 freeholder list should say that one of the Williams or the Thomas is believed to be my 3 times great grandfather. I should add that I have found several Ann Wrights in area but unable to determine which is correct one and when/where married Vennard. I have also found spellings of Vennard to be Venart and Venert.


    Friday 28th Feb 2014, 12:32AM

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