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Douglas(s) family of Lurgan area (Shankill, Seagoe, Kinnego, Dougher, etc.)

Douglas family of Kinnego(e) and Shankill Parish

 Looking for anyone who may be connected to this family.

Moses Douglas born 1740's (exact date not yet known), probably in the Lurgan, Armagh area. Married Catherine Marsden of Kinnegoe (Kinnigo), daughter of Robert Marsden of Kinngo, 24 April 1768. Date of death for both unknown. Moses and Catherine lived in Kinnego, likely on land inherited from Catherine's father.

Their children are as follows:

James Duoglas: 1769

William Douglas (my ancestor): 1771 - 1860 , Kinnigoe, nr. Lurgan

John Douglas: 1773 - 1779

Mary Douglas: 1775 - ?

Henry Douglas: 1777 - 1852

John Douglas: 1779 - ?

Thomas Douglas: 1781 - ?

Margaret Douglas: 1785 - ? : Married Thomas Corner 23 August 1813,

Robert Douglas: 1788 - 1867

Moses Douglas: 1791 - 1873

Hillary Douglas: 1793 - 1849


Henry Douglas of 1777 married Mary McCabe and lived in Lurgan
?Jane Douglas: 1807 - 1827
?Catherine Douglas: 1810 - 1857
?Sarah Douglas: 1813 - 1878
?Mary Douglas: 1815 - 1877
?Moses Douglas: 1817 - 1878
?William Douglas: 1817 - 1842
?Edward Douglas: 1818- 1845
?Henry Douglas: 1821 - 1859
?John Douglas: 1824 - ?
?Ellen Douglas: 1827 - 1828

John Douglas: unknown if married etc

Thomas Douglas: unknown if married etc

Robert Douglas of Kinnego (per headstone in Old Shankill cemetry, Lurgan:
?married Mary (last name unknown) she died 1868
?Mary Douglas (dates unknown)
?John Douglas (1812 - 1878)
?Nathaniel Douglas ( 1815 - 1872)
?Jane Douglas (1825 - ? )
?Sarah Douglas ( 1831 - 1841)

Moses Douglas of Kinnegoe (Per headstone, Old Shankill Cemetry, Lurgan)
?Married Elizabeth (Eliza) dates and last name unknown
?James Douglas (dates unknown, married Hannah Graham who died young)
?Eleanor Jane Douglas (1824 - ?)
?Catherine Douglas (1826 - 1847)
?John Douglas ( 1826 - ? )
?Thomas Douglas ( 1829 - 1903) Married Jane Eleanor Cotter, had 7 known children, one of whom was Moses Douglas who married Jeannie Allen also of Lurgan.
?Mary DOuglas ( 1831 - ? )

Hillary Douglas of Kinnegoe (per headstone some place)
?Married Mary ( last name unknown: 1797 - 1880)
?Unknown Douglas
?Catherine Douglas
?Harriett Douglas
?Susannah Douglas
?Unknown female Douglas
?Isabella Douglas ( 1821 - 1897)
?Margaret Douglas (1822- 1880)
?Harriet Douglas (2nd one: 1831 - 1905), married Macoun of Kinnego
?Hillary Douglas ( 1831 - 1915) The inheritor of the Douglas lands in Kinnego, died unmarried and left the farms to his grand nephew Henry Anderson
?Moses Douglas (Rev., 1834 - 1913)
?Henry Douglas ( 1835 - 1921)

Haven't included the family of William 1771, as we are his line and have what we need.

Most of the early recoreds we found in the Shankill Parish records, so believe more clues to our family are in there. I do have more details on the families listed above, but would take a lot to type that out. All these families, for the most part stayed in Lurgan area (Armagh) and then the lines begin to dissapear, partly because male lines die out here and there and also because I have not been able to trace where other lines went too as the generations passed.


We are also related to John Douglas born 1786, son of James Douglas and Margaret Heney

Also related to the Douglas family of "John Douglas & sons", linen manufacturers

Would love to connect with anyone who has Douglas roots to Lurgan and who may relate to us ) (We are not the Grace Hall Douglas family).


- See more at:…


Friday 25th Sep 2015, 03:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome!

    I have passed this to a volunteer in a neighbouring county who will be in touch shortly

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 28th Sep 2015, 01:51PM
  • Jennigal,

    You seem to have a fair bit about this family already. Apart from contacting any living descendants, is there any other aspect you need help with?

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 12:07PM
  • Hi Jennie

    This is a complete long shot but am I wondering if our ancestors are connected.

    We have come to a bit of a dead end in our family search.

    My ancestor William Douglas was born in 1829 in Co Armagh and married a Margaret Quin in Kilmore, Armagh in 1853.

    By 1861 they were living in Tyneside in NE England.

    I visited the church in Kilmore (Stonebridge church) where they were married and saw the register and chatted to the current parish priest. There was no other record of any other Douglas birth, baptism, wedding or funeral.  The priest said it was likely that the bride was from Kilmore and William was from elsewhere – although he said in those days it won’t have been far  - in a nearby village or town. Kinnego is only 5 miles or so.

    There is  a Margaret Douglas who signed as a witness at their wedding but we don’t know whether this was a relative eg sister or other or not.

    His mother may have been called Elizabeth (as he seemed determined to call one of his children Elizabeth – two died in infancy though he had a third) though this is conjecture really.

    Anything before William our trail runs cold.

    As I say its along shot but did any of your ancestors have a relation called William Douglas born around 1829.

    Best wishes



    Tuesday 3rd Jan 2017, 04:41PM
  • Hi Chris

    I wanted to invite you to add your ancestor's details to our XO Chronicles. You can learn more about it HERE and it might be another avenue to consider so that your ancestor's details can be seen by others. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 4th Jan 2017, 04:05PM
  • Hello Chris,

    there is a good chance that your Margaret Quin m. 1853, Kilmore to William Douglas is from a Quin family of the Creenagh-Castleraw townlands area. I have submitted a detailed paper for publication in Ireland regarding these Quins because the mother of famous Irish musician Edward Bunting c.1773 (check wiki) very likely was one of them. You should google for old posts (various sites) by Patsy Norman nee Quin(n) often as "Norquin". Her Quins went from Creenagh Kilmore to Tyneside in mid 1800s. My Australian-Irish Bunting ancestor (William) was born  28 May1836 in Kilmore and baptised a week later.  He likely knew Margaret as a relative from the area.

    We would need to be in email contact for me to send you a copy of my draft paper (28 A4 pages worth) on the history of these Quins, as I can't post here until it is published next year.

    Best wishes,


    Monday 27th Nov 2017, 07:18PM
  • Hi Chris

    Not sure why I didn"t see your poast way back in 2015!!   I sadly don't have a William DOuglas born 1829 in my list  - I do have one born 1823. I have no record of what happened to him. Is you borth year for your William an estimate?  What were the names of your William's children?



    Monday 11th Dec 2017, 06:26AM
  • Jenni

    sorry I never got back to you on this.

    We still never got any futher back with our William Douglas. We know he married Margaert Quin in Kilmore in 1853

    It not definate he was born in 1829 as some England censuses have him born in 1825 or so, so we can't be sure.

    We are looking for his parents (we know Margaret's). Theyhad 11 children (though 4 died in infancy). Those that survived were

    Mary-Ann b1856

    Agnes b1859

    James b1861

    Jane Elizabeth b1865

    Thomas b1868

    Joseph b 1875

    Patrick b 1877

    Best Regards




    Thursday 12th Mar 2020, 05:03PM

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