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Looking for any records of my great grandfather, George Halliday or his wife and children.  George was born in Scotland (likely Dumfriesshire) sometime between 1830 and 1840.  I do not know when George arrived in Armagh.

George Halliday married Agnes Marshall 20 July 1858 in Newtownhamilton.  I have a copy of the marriage record.  Witnesses were Grace McElroy and James Johnston.  George is listed as a widower on the marriage record, Agnes is listed as a spinster.

George and Agnes lived in Crankey.  They had at least four children: Matilda (1864), Sarah (1868), William (1869), and James, my grandfather.  James Halliday was born 26 January 1873 in Crankey.  I have an official copy of James' birth certificate from Dublin.

James Halliday attended Lisnadill school in the late 1870's and early 1880's.

Brothers James and William both show up in the 1901 census in Damolly, Newry Rural, County Down.  They are both farmers.  Both Presbyterians.  Both can read and write.  I have a copy of the census record.  William is listed as a widower, James is single.

James Halliday emigrated to the U.S. in 1905.  My father told us that James no longer had any living family remaining in Ireland, hence his decision to leave.

Looking for vital records of any in this family.  Also anything that might indicate when George Halliday made the move from Scotland to Ireland.

Many thanks to anyone who can provide assistance.

Rich Halliday

Los Angeles, CA, USA


Monday 10th Dec 2012, 02:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • Some Halliday records;


    Irishmen WW1 Memorials;

    George Halliday;

    No. 1357

    Rank; Corporal 12th Royal Irish Rifles

    Killed in Action-France-1/10/1918

    Mullaglass Armagh


    Kilmainham Pensioners British Army Service records; 1771-1881

    James Halliday;

    b. 1740 Richill Armagh

    Discharged; 1802 (62)

    Duke of Wellington (West Riding Brig) 33rd & 76 Foot


    Armagh Guardian; 1866 (death)

    Frances Edward Halliday; 18/3/1855 (45) Hillsborough


    W.P.W. Phillmore & Gertrude Wills;

    James Halliday; 1793 Dromore

    William Halliday; 1840 Dromore


    George Bassett Book of County Armagh;

    J. Halliday; 1888 Glenanne

    John Halliday; 1888 Mountnorris & Lurgan

    Edward Halliday; 1888 Lurgan

    James Halliday; 1888 Lurgan


    Slaters Directory 1870;

    Edward Halliday; Lurgan Church place; Grocer



    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 12:36PM
  • Some more Halliday records for you.


    There is a baptism record for a Mary Jane Halliday, daughter of George of Agnes of Crankey who was born 27th April 1859,


    Matilda's date of birth also matches a record for a daughter of George and Agnes of Crankey but this child was actually christened 'Agnes' [although the record wasn't very clear it didn't look like Matilda and I'm pretty sure it was Agnes].


    William was christened William George and although there is no date of birth for him he seems to have been christened 27th April 1862.


    They must have moved from that particular area as there are no other records of their children being christened there whatsoever.


    However, George Halliday's Will is interesting in that it names two sons David and John [you said George was listed as a 'widower' when he married Agnes so perhaps David and John are sons from his previous marriage], his daughter Matilda and sons William George and James are included also [copy of transcript attached].  There is no mention of Mary Jane or Sarah.



    Thursday 11th Apr 2013, 09:35PM
  • Some more Halliday records for you.


    There is a baptism record for a Mary Jane Halliday, daughter of George of Agnes of Crankey who was born 27th April 1859,


    Matilda's date of birth also matches a record for a daughter of George and Agnes of Crankey but this child was actually christened 'Agnes' [although the record wasn't very clear it didn't look like Matilda and I'm pretty sure it was Agnes].


    William was christened William George and although there is no date of birth for him he seems to have been christened 27th April 1862.


    They must have moved from that particular area as there are no other records of their children being christened there whatsoever.


    However, George Halliday's Will is interesting in that it names two sons David and John [you said George was listed as a 'widower' when he married Agnes so perhaps David and John are sons from his previous marriage], his daughter Matilda and sons William George and James are included also [copy of transcript attached].  There is no mention of Mary Jane or Sarah.



    Thursday 11th Apr 2013, 09:35PM
  • Sorry, don't know what happened but am attaching the Will now [hopefully!!]

    Thursday 11th Apr 2013, 09:41PM

    This is indeed my great-grandfather.

    Thank you so MUCH!

    I sent you a detailed email response a few weeks back.  Hope you received it.

    Be well.



    Tuesday 30th Apr 2013, 02:42AM

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