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I am trying to Richard Albion Halliday born c.1822.  He turns up in England 1871/1881 but I need to find his parents and his birth.

Any help gratefully accepted.


Graham Morley


Tuesday 4th Jun 2013, 08:48AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Graham, thank you for your message.

    Civil registration did not begin until 1864 so for Richard?s birth record you will have to look in church records. Do you know his religious denomination?

    Unfortunately, Catholic records in the parish do not begin until 1845:

    Church of Ireland records generally have an earlier start date as it was the official church of the country at the time so if Richard belonged to this church you may still be able to find his birth record. Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    It may be an idea to contact Armagh Ancestry for some further advice or assistance, however a fee may apply. Here is their email address:

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 26th Jun 2013, 10:05AM

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