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Hello everyone,

I live in Canada and am tracing my family tree.  My great great great great grandparents were James Henry and Ann Johnstone.  Family lore always told us that the family was from Belleek.  Through various records in Canada, I've come to the conclusion that both James and Ann were born in Armagh.  Assuming that the family stories are correct, I can only assume that at least one of them was from near Loughgilly.  James and Ann married in 1842 in Ontario.  Records indicate that Ann was born on the 8 March 1825, and James was born ca. 1820.  They had 10 children in Canada : William, Margaret, James (my ggg grandfather), John, Mary Jane, Elizabeth, Anne, Joseph, Isabella and Frances (also known as Fanny).  Their son James worked as a miller.  

They identified themselves as Anglican while in Canada, so I'm guessing that they belonged to the Church of Ireland.  I am hoping that perhaps some relatives stayed behind in Ireland, and that there are relatives in the area today.  

If anybody is researching this family or thinks they can help, I would love to hear from you.

Many thanks,


Thursday 6th Jul 2017, 03:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • Taryn,

    There is a Church of Ireland church in Belleek but unfortunately it’s records were lost in the 1922 fire in Dublin. Elsewhere in the same parish there’s a Church of Ireland church at Loughgilly whose records start in 1804, so it might be worth checking them but if the couple used the Belleek church, the records are lost.

    The Loughgilly records have been copied and can be inspected in PRONI in Belfast

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 8th Jul 2017, 09:06PM
  • Hello Elwyn,

    Thanks for your reply!  It would certainly be worth it to look at the Loughgilly records.  Unfortunately,  I'm in western Canada and am unable to visit PRONI in person.  I will take a look and see if I can find a researcher I can pay to look for me.



    Monday 10th Jul 2017, 04:05AM

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