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I am trying to determine the names of 5 Honeyford's who left Ireland to live in Bolton Manchester 4 Males and Bessie I understand . Only 1 married but I do not know the name. He was my Great Grandfather who had 4 boys Jim Tom Richard & Stanley.The remaining Honeyford's from the 5 in Bolton  were school teachers and never married. I think my Great Grandfather may have been considered a black sheep of the family due to a drink problem and he did get married


My Grandfather was Jim Honeyford (Spinner at the Mill) who had 2 sons Fred & Jim  & 1 daughter Dorothy. He banned drink from the house.

My Grandfather died in 1955 when I was 4 years old , he was 61 so was born around 1894. My Great Grandfather who we do not know the age or name may have been born 20-30 years earlier possibly in Bessbrook

My Father named Fred born 1922 my Uncle Named Jim Honeyford who lived in Walkden near Bolton Manchester.


My name is martin Honeyford born 1951


Can anyone help. Joy Honeyford has offered to help who lives in Bessbrook where I think just a hunch is where the 5 Honeyford's originated. My Mum now 90 thinks the 5 may have even been 6 and one was called Bessie Honeyford

Saturday 30th Mar 2013, 03:18PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Martin,

    Thank you for your email.

    Have you tried looking for your grandfather?s birth record to find his parents? names? If he was born in England you should check the National Archives to see what is available:

    If he was born in Ireland, Civil records are available from the General Register?s Office in Dublin. Here is their website:

    You can search the indexes to these records online at:

    Perhaps you could try and follow up on the Bessie lead. If you can find her birth record in civil records it will give you her parents names. Once you have this it will help you search for the other children.

    You could also try searching in church records in Bessbrooke. Most Catholic records are held locally so you may need to write to the local parish priest for possible assistance. One website that you may find useful is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. It also shows you where copies of the records are available. For Killevy/Bessbrooke parish, follow this link:

    Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    It may also be an idea to contact Armagh Ancestry for assistance, however a fee may apply. Here is their email address:

    I hope this is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 16th May 2013, 02:34PM

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