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i am researching the parents for William Warnock (born 1819) who I know married Ann Jane Burns (born 1830) on Dec 4,1851 in Kilcluney, Armagh, Ireland. The Father listed was John Warnock. I was looking for more detailed information on John, such as where he lived and his wife's name. William and Ann left Ireland in 1858, but I'm not certain which port in us or Canada they came thru, but they ended up in Allegheny county, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania.


Any additional information I could get to further this research would be greatly appreciated.


William Warnock



Monday 23rd Jul 2018, 07:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • The baptism records for Kilclooney Church of Ireland only start in 1832, marriage sin 1835 and burials in  1837. Consequently, if William was baptised in that parish c 1817, there won’t be baptism records to find. Likewise if that’s where his parents married, you won’t find that record either. You could try searching the burial records to see if you can find a John Warnock and a female who might be his wife. The only copy of the records is still held by the Minister and so you would need to contact him/her to ask for a search. There’s likely to be a fee for the service. The Church of Ireland used to charge £19 (sterling) an hour. I don’t know if that’s still the current rate but I am sure the Minister will let you know.

    From the 1851 marriage (on rootsireland), I can see that William Warnock was living in Cordrummond when he married. He may have been living there with his parents (assuming both were still alive). Both he and his father were labourers. Labourers tended to move around a bit to follow the available work and can be tricky to trace. There’s no Warnock household in Cordrummond in 1864 (Griffiths Valuation). No John Warnock anywhere in Kilclooney in 1864, but of course he might have died by that date.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 23rd Jul 2018, 11:20PM

    Thank you for the additional information, any lead is greatly appreciated and gives a new avenue to research.  



    Wednesday 25th Jul 2018, 11:51AM
  • The Householder Family Tree on Ancestry, managed by (SM) Skye Martinez appears to have the information you are seeking about William H. Warnock, born about 1820 and death in Pittsburgh, PA in 1890. The relatives seem to coincide with the ones you mentioned. 

    JD Warnock

    Friday 17th Mar 2023, 04:54PM

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