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Hello, I am trying to find the link between two Gorman branches in Keady.   Patrick Gorman married  Mary Hanlon (father was Francis O'Hanlon) in 1868 and  had a son Patrick (plus maybe other siblings).   Patrick Gorman (1873-1940) had a brother John who emigrated to Rhode Island, USA in 1903, and a sister Mary, who married John Kilroy and moved to Liverpool.   In 1897,  Patrick, a tailor,  married Mary McGeough (1876-1928)  in Keady.  They had 5 children, Elizabeth, Malachy, Josephine, Maurice and Patrick.  The family moved to Dublin in 1914.      There is another Gorman family of James Gorman who married Margaret Finigan.   They had 5 children also: John (1860-1933) who moved to Kilkenny, Barney (1864-1949) who emigrated to Chicago in 1883, Stephen who died at age 7, Michael who may have died at birth, and Mary, who also went to Kilkenny.   We  believe that Patrick, John and Mary are first cousins of John, Barney and Mary.     That is, Patrick who married Mary Hanlon was brother of James who married Margaret Finigan.  Arde there any Gormans, Finigans or Hanlons out there who might know something?

John O'Gorman

Hamilton, Canada


Johnny Canuck

Thursday 3rd Mar 2016, 02:46AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear John

    ​My apologies for the very late response. Have you managed to learn anymore about these ancestors? ​There are some Gorman families listed on the Griffith's Valuation:…


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 11th Apr 2016, 12:08PM
  • Thanks Clare, I have not been able to identify the birth of the James Gorman who married Margaret Finigan on Nov.5 1857 in Loughgilly.   I did find out Margaret's parents were Stephen Finigan and Mary McPartland who married Sept 1 1829 in Loughgilly.    I also learned they  had one more son, James born 1862.      There are many James Gorman's (or  Gormil)  in the very early 1800's but I suspect he would be more likely born in the mid-1830's.  
    For the other family, Patrick Gormil who married Mary O'Hanlon from Tassah, in Granemore church on Jan 9, 1868, I only know his father was John Gormil.    Again, cannot positively identify which John Gormil that was.   There are several.  Nor can I conclusively verify his death (before 1897) .    With so many Patrick and Johns and James in this area of Armagh, Griffiths Valuations is difficult to use as a verification.




    Johnny Canuck

    Tuesday 12th Apr 2016, 02:40PM
  • Hi John

    Re Louhgilly, something to keep in mind is the fact that the RC records for the parish begin in 1825 but there are gaps in the series between 1844-1849 so that might impact the search


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 26th Apr 2016, 09:46AM
  • The 1868 civil marriage certificate should give you Patrick Gorman’s father’s name and occupation which is part of the information you need to find out if James was his brother. I searched for the marriage in the civil indexes but could not find it. (RC marriages should have been recorded there from 1864 onwards). I also checked the RC parish records for Derrynoose (which includes the civil parish of Keady) for 1868 but did not see the marriage there either.

    I had better success with the children. Searching 1868 – 1886 I found John 25.9.1869; Mary 28.10.1871 & Patrick 15.4.1873 all registered in Armagh. You can view the original certificates on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

    You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2.50 (sterling) to a view a certificate.

    The marriage between James Gorman and Margaret Finegan was evidently pre 1864 and so we won’t get any additional information on it from the civil records.

    The problem with RC parish records from that era is that they rarely name the couples parents. Normally all you get are the couples names, their 2 witnesses and the date. So you won’t be able to prove they were brothers from RC marriage records. You might however find their baptisms. Derrynoose baptisms run from 1835 – 1837 and then 1846 onwards. So a bit hit and miss.

    If you can’t find records of the 2 families from parish records, DNA might be the only way of establishing a link.

    The RC parish records are on-line free on the National Library site:

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 26th Apr 2016, 12:47PM
  • Thanks for all that Elwyn.

    I had all the birth info forJames G and Margaret Finegan's children, most importantly Bernard Sept 5 1864.  I also had all the birth info for the children of Patrick G and Mary Hanlon.  I had the marriage info for both those families as well, which tells me that Patrick's father was John (marriage 1868).     But I did not have info for James G's father (marriafe 1857). 

    My DNA (Patrick side) and DNA of Barney's (1864-1949)  grandson Jim have a match of 110/111.   That combined with some old corresponce between [now deceased] family members convinces us that we are closely related, but we cannot establish tha common ancestor.   Patrick (?-c1892) 's father was John.    James (? - b1898) first son was John(18600 possibly named after paternal grandfather, adding to the possibility that Patrick and James were brothers.   But I cannot find a John Gorman or Gormil with sons Patrick and James in the appropriate times frames/location, viz Keady area in the early 1800's.



    Johnny Canuck

    Tuesday 26th Apr 2016, 10:02PM
  • Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of  "Keady: Journal of Keady and District Historical Society",   a soft cover book of 158 pages, published by the Society in 1992.  Or how I can contact someone from the society?

    Johnny Canuck

    Johnny Canuck

    Wednesday 31st Jul 2019, 02:40PM
  • Johnny,

    If you are looking for a copy to read, I suspect Armagh Library (Local Studies Section) might have a copy. If you are looking to buy a copy, it’s on Amazon for £49.95 (sterling).

    I don’t see any current contact details for the Society and therefore suspect it’s defunct.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 1st Aug 2019, 06:32AM
  • Johnny and Elwyn,

    I looked on Amazon for the Keady: Journal of Keady and District Historical Society, but it did not have a listing.

    I was provided a copy of a number of short stories by various authors in the Keady area. It may be a part of the journal descibed previously. It has wonderful stories about local landmarks, landlords, Townlands, and events that ocurred during the various authors lifetime. It is blurred and print slanted in places from numerous copies.

    I'd be willing to share as long is it does not have a copyright.

    Pat Mone    


    Pat Mone

    Friday 2nd Aug 2019, 11:46AM
  • Thank you Elwyn and Pat for your responses, very kind of you.   I was reluctant to purchase the Amazon book sight unseen, probobaly costing $125 Cdn delivered..  (I am in Hamilton, Canada).  Yes Pat your stories could very well be a part of the book I've referred to.   I have also since phoned Ireland  and found there is  a copy in the library in Armagh City but it is a reference copy only, so I may have to wait till my next visit to Ireland to read it.

    thanks again gentlemen.

    PS: Pat I have seen the Mone name a few times when I've been scanning the parish registers for Keady and i think in Loughgilly also.  Good luck with your endeavours. 

    Johnny Canuck

    Friday 2nd Aug 2019, 02:47PM

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