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I am looking for information about the Carberry and Dillon familes. My great grandparents immigrated June 1881 to the US. They were Felix Carberry born 1848 parents were Owen Carberry and Rose McParlin  and  Bridget Dillon born 1849 parents James Dillon and Ellen McCullay . Felix and Bridget  were married 9Feb 1881 in Derrynoose Parish Chapel of Ballymacnab. The Carberry family was in the townlands of Tullygush. The Dillons in Aughnaguran. I hope to find more information about these two families in Ireland. 

Bridget and Felix lived in Auburn, NY. 

Friday 3rd Jul 2015, 01:05AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Bridget and Felix

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have forwarded this query to a volunteer in a neighbouring parish who will be in touch soon

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 3rd Jul 2015, 11:23AM
  • There were 10 people named Dillon living in Aughnagurgan in the 1901 census. None named James or Ellen though. But they may be related.

    Griffiths Valuation for 1864 shows 3 Carberry farms in Tullyglush, all just over 8 acres. Plot 71 was Charles, plot 72 was Owen and plot 73 Patrick. 

    I looked at the revaluation records for Tullyglush and I see Plot 71 changed to Owen junior in 1874, suggesting that Charles had died. Plot 72 changed to Bridget in 1872 suggesting Owen senior had died.

    Owen was replaced by Charles Carberry in 1891 suggesting he died around that time. At that time, next door on plot 73 Patrick.

    The farm remains in Charles Carberry’s name until 1929 (when that series of records stops) but the farmhouse itself was noted as being in ruins in 1920, meaning the tenant just farmed the land and lived elsewhere. (In fact it seems Charles was dead and it was his sister who was farming the land after 1907).

    I noted this probate abstract:

    Letters of Administration of the Personal Estate of Charles Carberry late of Tullyglush County Armagh Labourer deceased who died 28 August 1907 were granted at Armagh to Margaret Carberry Spinster. Effects £35.

    Also this one (the full will is on-line on the PRONI wills site):

    Letters of Administration (with the Will annexed) of the personal estate of Margaret Carbery late of Tullyglush County Armagh Widow who died 14 February 1889 at same place were granted at Armagh to Catherine Carbery of Tullyglush Spinster the Daughter and a Legatee.

    The Carberry farms today were near the modern Tullynawood Rd.

    Charles is listed in the 1901 census with his unmarried sister:…

    By 1911 the sister is living with family:…

    I had a look for Owen Carberry’s death and what may be it was registered in Armagh on 27.1.1891 aged 83.  You can view the certificate on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

    (You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2 to a view a certificate). 

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 11th Jul 2015, 07:11AM
  • Thank you for the information and links to the various records. I had seen some of this information previously, but you put it nicely in perspective.  Is Derrynoose a nearby parish? I have seen mention of Derrynoose with our Carberry/Dillon family. Also would there be a possibility of a will for Owen and where would it be found? A will might list his children since I can't seem to find them in parish records of baptism. Felix and Bridget obviously named their children for family members: Mary Ann, Joseph, Margaret, Charles Felix, James, Owen, Rose Ellen, John.

    Is Aughnaurgan in the parish of Keady? Bridget's brother Michael Dillon also came to the USA. As did some Nugent cousins all lving in Cayuga County near Auburn NY. 

    Thank you for your help


    Tuesday 14th Jul 2015, 05:46PM
  • Aughnagurgan is a townland within the boundaries of the civil parish of Keady and the RC parish of Derrynoose. (RC and civil parishes rarely have the same boundaries and they also often have different names).

    If there was a probate file still in existence for Owen Carber(r)y, it should be held by PRONI (the public record office) in Belfast or by the National Archives in Dublin. Neither site has any record of such a file. Owen may have left a will but it may not have needed probate. If so, unfortunately it’s unlikely to have survived. 

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 17th Jul 2015, 07:07AM

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