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Am looking for family of Robert Whinery  born about 1717, father Patrick Whinery born about 1687. Patrick died at sea on return to Ireland after bringing sons  Robert and Patrick, Jr. to the Colony of Delaware, America, in 1738.  His widow and other children remained in Ireland.

Thursday 25th Oct 2012, 02:35AM

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    Remember to post as much information as you can regarding the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    For further assistance you might try contacting:

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    County Armagh,
    BT61 7BA,
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    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support

    Ireland Reaching Out


    Thursday 22nd Nov 2012, 01:01PM
  • I am a descendant of Robert Whinery. My mother documented our family tree all the way back to his immigration to the US. I am JUST beginning to go through her box of documents and to organize all of her material ... My sisters and I are descendants of a granddaughter (I believe) of Mr. Whinery, named Sarah Cornelias, born August 26, 1856. I look forward to this journey as I dig through this box!

    Tuesday 20th May 2014, 11:43PM
  • I am a descendant of Patrick Whinery, son of Patrick Whinery Sr who died at sea. My mother's maiden name was Whinery. Very excietd to follow this page and learn more! I hope to visit Ireland one day!


    Thursday 4th Apr 2019, 07:08PM
  • I am also a descendant of Patrick Whinery Sr., eight times removed.  The lineage is as follows:  Patrick Sr., Robert, William, John, Jerimiah, Sylvester, Fred, Verne.  The lineage was a bit muddled when Sylvester Whinery married Emma Whinery Born 1866.  I am going to visit the Salem/Winona Ohio area in July and hope to connect with relatives.  Many Whinerys are buried in Salem and the main street of the Winona village is named Whinery Blvd..  Would love to visit Ireland one day.  Jerry R, Whinery born 6/16/1935

    Monday 27th May 2019, 06:25AM
  • I am a descendant of Robert Whinery son of Parick Whinery Sr.  from the Salem/Winona OH area (actually we are everywhere in the area under Whinnery/Whinery or another).   I am looking for information on Patrick Sr lineage and information on his wife and children that he was returning to Ireland to bring to American when he died at sea. 

    My lineage is a follows :

    Patrick Sr & ?

    Robert  & Isabel  (Smith) Whinery

    William  Sr and Abigail (McMillan) Whinery

    William Jr and Margery (Carroll) Whinery

    Elijah and Lovina M. (Strong) Whinery/Whinnery        (this is where the extra "n" starts appearing Whinnery)

    Orville E. and Ada L. (Bates) Whinnery

    Glenn Alonzo and Laura Mae (Hovermale) Whinnery

    Richard Marion Whinnery and Peggy Joyce (Renaldo) Whinnery

    (Me)  Gayle Anne Whinnery

    Please feel free to contact me with questions or information


    Wednesday 23rd Oct 2019, 03:42PM

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