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I am seeking any information at all on Hugh Sleith (could be Sleigh or Sleeth) married to Mary Elloot (could be Elliot). Hugh was born about 1807 and died 1872 (Place of death unknown). Mary Elloot was born about 1800 and died in 1867. Both were born somewhere in County Armargh and were possibly Church of England. Hugh was a Groom and could read and write. Hugh and Mary had a son Francis who was born at Salters Grange, County Armagh in 1830. Hugh left for Australia on the "Stebonheath" from Plymouth on September 9th 1851 to Victoria, Australia. The ships record indicates that a brother was due to leave with Francis, but his name is crossed out. Francis may have had at least two brothers named Thomas and Samuel, but I do not have any information about them. Francis was listed in the shipping records as Francis SLEITH, But his marriage certificate (1857 to Bridget McMahon from Corofin, County Clare) shows his name as Sleeth.Francis and Bridget were married in Melbourne, Australia. I would be most grateful for any information as we are visiting Ireland for a short while in May and thought we could possibly visit Salters Grange or any cemetery where any descendents may be buried. Thankyou

Sunday 27th Apr 2014, 11:55AM

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  • There?s a listing for Hugh Sleigh in Salter?s Grange in Griffiths Valuation for 1864,. Which seems likely to be your ancestor. He was on plot 9B(9b) which was a house and a garden (1 rood & 30 perches), on what was then Henry Scott?s farm. That?s typical for someone who would have been an agricultural worker or servant.

    The revaluation records show Hugh being replaced by Joseph Sleigh in 1887, suggesting that?s about when Hugh died. Joseph left in 1901. There were no Sleeth/Sleigh households in Salter?s Grange in the 1901 census:…

    There?s a death of a Hugh Sleeth registered in Armagh 29th May 1872 (est year of birth 1807). Armagh city is where a death in Salters Grange should be registered.  That seems likely to be your man. You can view the death cert on-line for ?2 on the GRONI site:

    The Scott farm (plot 9) today is on either Salter?s Grange Rd or Loughgall Rd, not far from Nugent & Gibney?s premises but you?ll need to get a copy of the Griffiths Map, with the plot numbers shown to find it precisely, as the on-line version doesn?t fully cover the townland. Armagh Public Library local studies section should have the maps. The farm is probably still there but the ag labs cottages have most likely been cleared away.

    Grange Church of Ireland baptism and marriage records start in 1780 so that?s fairly helpful. They are not on-line anywhere so far as I am aware but there is a copy in PRONI (the public record office) in Belfast. A personal visit is required to inspect them.

    I noticed this family living not too far from Salter?s Grange, in the 1901 census. They were Church of Ireland (ie Anglican). I wondered if it might be the Joseph who replaced Hugh when he died (another son perhaps?). You would need to investigate further to find out, by getting Joseph?s marriage cert etc:



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 27th Apr 2014, 01:11PM

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