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Hi, I am looking for any McKinney side of my family in Ireland. I would love to know more about this side, as I don't have a lot of information.

The information I have is this:

My great grandmother was Nellie Rachel McKinney (1911 - 1964) born in NSW, Australia.
Her father was Robert Alexander Symington-McKinney (1876 - 1948) also born in Australia.

Robert's parents were John McKinney (1843 - 1896) born somewhere I believe in Armagh, Ireland, and Sarah Moffet (1848 - 1920) born in the same area (I believe).
They immigrated to Australia in 1872 aboard the Polmaise.

I believe John's parents were Alexander McKinney and Elizabeth Symington, but I'm not 100% sure.
I also believe Sarah's parent's were Robert Moffet and Ellen McLellan, but again, not 100% sure.

I believe John McKinney's siblings names were Elizabeth McKinney (1847 - 1916) and Jane McKinney.

If anyone would like to contact me with any information about this side of my family, you can repost on here or email me at



Tuesday 7th May 2013, 02:51AM

Message Board Replies

  • To read about the family of the McKinney was interesting and wanted to know more about it.

    Wednesday 8th May 2013, 07:37AM
  • Hi, I am looking for any McKinney side of my family in Ireland. I would love to know more about this side, as I don't have a lot of information.

    I only have the history once they arrived in the US. Joseph McKinney was the sone of John McKinney, born around 1715 in Westmoreland Co, Virgina.

    John was the son of William McKinney born around 1670 also in the same area. He was married to Jane Hutt.

    It says William McKinney born in 1622 was not born in the US. (it could have also been spelled McKenny)


    Any help I can get would be greatly asppreciated. I am planning a trip to Ireland soon so I would like to see if I can find more information before I get there.


    Thank you!


    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 07:08PM
  • Hi, I am looking for any McKinney side of my family in Ireland. I would love to know more about this side, as I don't have a lot of information.

    I only have the history once they arrived in the US. Joseph McKinney was the sone of John McKinney, born around 1715 in Westmoreland Co, Virgina.

    John was the son of William McKinney born around 1670 also in the same area. He was married to Jane Hutt.

    It says William McKinney born in 1622 was not born in the US. (it could have also been spelled McKenny)


    Any help I can get would be greatly asppreciated. I am planning a trip to Ireland soon so I would like to see if I can find more information before I get there.


    Thank you!


    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 07:08PM

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