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Last name: Hamilton.

First Name: Sarah, Susan or Sally.

Birth Year:  1811-1817 as per Ontario, Canada censuses and death record (death record states 1817). 

Immigration Date: Before approximately 1839.

Marital Status in Ireland: Single Family Details: According to a family writing she was the eldest of 3 "daughters" who "arrived from" County Armagh. No first names for either daugthers are listed.

Other info: I cannot identify her on any immigration material available through Canada. I cannot identify if her father came to Canada, and if so, if he was in the military or loyalist.

I would appreciate any direction that can be provided. To the best of my ability I have tried to provide information based on official government records to reduce speculation.

Monday 13th May 2013, 12:48AM

Message Board Replies

  • Statutory registration of births only started in Ireland in 1864 so you won?t get a birth cert for this lady. You might get her baptism but to do that you need to know her exact religious denomination and ideally some idea of where she came from in Armagh. Unfortunately not all church records go back as far as 1811- 1817, nor are most of them on-line. What church records do survive have mostly been copied and are held in PRONI (the public records office) Belfast, on microfilm.


    Griffiths Valuation for Co Armagh in 1862 lists 296 households headed by a Hamilton so the name is very common there which won?t help. Looking at the 1901 census for the county, 368 people named Hamilton were listed of which 191 were Church of Ireland, 142 Presbyterian and 6 RC (plus various others). If you don?t already know her denomination then this may help focus your search a bit.


    Incidentally, Sally & Sarah are interchangeable in Ireland, so her name might be either in church and other official records.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 13th May 2013, 05:00PM
  • Thank you for your help.

    Monday 20th May 2013, 12:25AM

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