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I don't have much information at all about Thomas Cartmill or Elizabeth Kyne c1807 but I believe they came from Grange Blundell and possibly Loughgall. They were married late 1820's early 1830's.
They had possibly 7 children Mary Jane 1827, Thomas 1834, Anne 1832, Elizabeth 1836, Marianne 1839, Joshua 1842 and Letitia 1845. These names are from marriage records and shipping records to Australia.
Thomas snr must have died in Ireland as he wasn't in the shipping records.
We had information that Thomas was baptised/christened in St Aidan's Loughgall 15th September 1833.
I would appreciate any information at all about them. Thank you!

Maree Cartmill Brown

Tuesday 14th Jun 2016, 10:06PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    If the family were RC records for that parish do not begin until 1835. I failed to locate a marriage record for Thomas and Elizabeth or baptism records for any potential children. Civil registration does not begin until 1864 so there will be no birth records for anyone born before that time. 

    The only death for a Thomas I can locate is for a baby aged 5 months in Keady, Co. Armagh who died in 1866. He was the son of Thomas who was a carpenter and farmer. 

    Sorry I couldn't provide more positive results!

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 7th Jul 2016, 10:38AM
  • Thank you for that I can't find much information either.
    To look at the church records at Loughgall, Grange Blundell or Kilmore do I have to make appointments or just turn up, I have sent messages about six weeks ago but no reply.


    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Thursday 7th Jul 2016, 09:23PM
  • Hi Maree

    It's hard to know really. Many priests now manage more than one parish and so you could turn up at one parochial house to find the priest lives in an entirely different parish and may be out on calls or other parish work. You might find phoning them to be the best option as many don't have the time for email enquiries etc. 


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 8th Jul 2016, 09:37AM
  • Maree,

    St Aidan’s is Church of Ireland so it’s probably Church of Ireland records you need. There’s a copy of all the surviving records for Kilmore parish in PRONI where you can see them free. Not all the churches in that parish have records for the periods you need (some were destroyed in the 1922 fire). According to my guide to COI records, Kilmore’s original records start in 1789 and are still held by the Vicar/Rector. However, if he/she agrees to let you see them, there is normally a fee. (Something like £12 an hour).

    Many Ministers and Priests in Ireland get rather more genealogical enquiries than they can cope with and so not all enquiries get replies. However you might get a better response by phoning when you are here. I wouldn’t turn up unannounced. The records may be locked away somewhere and notice needed to get them out. But as I say, you might find it easier just to look them up for free in PRONI. Copies of all the surviving records for the parish are kept there.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 8th Jul 2016, 08:41PM
  • Thank you very much Elwyn, appreciate everything.

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Friday 8th Jul 2016, 09:35PM

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