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I'm trying to push a generation back for Thomas Wright Vennard b 1827Mar29 in Cloncore Armagh & his spouse Mary Ann Taggart born abt 1824 & likely in Northern Ireland.

Thomas Wright Vennard lists father on marriage document at Tartaraghan Parish church (1846Jun3) as Thomas/weaver & on death document in Glasgow(1901) as William Vennard/farmer & mother Ann Wright. Mary Ann Taggart lists father as Francis/labourer of Cloncore on marriage document & parents as Francis Taggart/farmer & Ann Baxter on her death document in Glasgow (1909).

I've recently found information indicating an Anna Wright was baptised in St Anne's Shankill, Antrim parish by Rev R Dodds 06/04/1798 to parents Thomas & Mary Wright. I've previously found information of a Francis Taggart being baptised also by Rev R Dodds in St Anne's Shankill parish only 8 months before. It seems more reasonable now that this might be the right 'Ann Wright' as Anna and Francis might have grown up knowing each other & more reasonable that their children might marry years later. I'm not sure how to pursue this further. I'd be very interested in any information that might be out there for Francis Taggart, Anna Wright and their families.

I note that both Anna Wright and Francis are baptised through COI.

Thomas Wright Vennard and spouse Mary Ann Taggart left sometime following their 1846Jun3rd wedding although I don't have 1851, 1861 or 1871 census. I do have an 1841 census showing a 12 yr old Mary Ann Taggart born in Ireland working as a power loom weaver & living in Glasgow with widow Taggart, Helen 15, Isabella 9. and Isabella 7 all with last name Taggart. I strongly believe this is my Mary Ann but not sure if is her mother or an aunt & if girls are sisters or cousins.1880 Glasgow directory indicates TW Vennard to be a missionary and 1881 census show him as a boarder/missionary for United Presbyterian Church in Northmavine Shetlands. Mary Ann shows up on the 1881 census as a missionaries wife in Glasgow. From then on they both live out their lives in Glasgow.

Also, is anyone aware of farming connections between Shankill, Antrim and Tartaraghan, Armagh. Tartaraghan is where I can concretely place ancestral Vennards on William Brownlow Esq land in early/mid 1800s. Folklore indicate that ancestral Vennards fled France as Huguenots or French Protestants. Then it is thought they came to Northern Ireland for Battle of Boyne. Nothing to confirm this last statement. I definitely think the Vennards were 'planted' on Brownlow land because of their religious beliefs - at least partly, other part to work in the weaving industry. So I'm trying to find the link that would have enabled Thomas Wright Vennard to have met & likely worked with Mary Ann Taggart before marriage. I'm hoping that I've found the link in Shankill.



Saturday 21st Nov 2015, 10:34PM

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    Monday 23rd Nov 2015, 04:42PM

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