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I am looking for any information regarding my relatives the McGlarrys, Hugh was my Gt Gt Grandfather I believe he died around about 1871 in Ballycastle. One of the families  Jane (who never married) & Patrick her nephew who was living with her in 1911. also there was a Bridgit McGlarry much younger but she moved away. My Gt Grandfather emigrated to New Zealand where I live, I never knew him, he died before I was born, so I know very little of my Irish heritage. The 1911 census regarding Jane & Patrick listed there address Mill Street, Ballycastle & the parish Ramoan.They were Roman Catholics.Apparently the name McGlarry is very uncommon in Ireland, so I would imagine the ones that were there would all be related at the time. I would be so grateful for any information. I forgot to mention that Hugh McGlarry married Mary Corneilus. , Thank you. Sinverely Sherryn Hinkley. 

Tuesday 21st Jan 2014, 06:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Sherryn,


    What looks to be Hugh M?Glarry?s death was registered in Ballycastle 1871 Volume 6 page 62. Est year of birth 1804.

    You can order a photocopy from GRO Roscommon for ?4 per certificate. Put the place, year, quarter (where there is one), volume & page number on the application form (anywhere). Don?t worry about leaving some boxes blank. You don?t need to fill them all in if you have the reference details. You have to post or fax the form to them but they will e-mail the copy certificate to you if you wish. Tick the relevant box on the form.

    Ramoan RC parish records start in 1838, so you won?t get Hugh?s baptism, nor probably, his marriage, but you may find some of his children?s baptisms. A copy is held in PRONI, Belfast. The baptisms 1835 ? 1963, but not any marriages are also on the Rootsireland site (pay to view). For marriages pre 1864, you?ll need to look the parish records up in PRONI.

    Other McGlarry/M'Glarry deaths registered in Ballycastle, 1864 ? 1921 are John 1787-1875; Mary 1813 ? Apr ? Jun 1888; Catherine 1819 ? Jan ? Mar 1895; Hugh 1891 ? 1891 & Margaret 1866 ? Jul ? Sept 1891.

    Note that Patrick McGlarry in the 1911 census was born in Scotland. So his parents obviously left Ballycastle and settled there (as was very common). I can see a Patrick McGlarey birth in Port Glasgow in 1879 which might be him, on Scotlandspeople. Renfrewshire, which includes Port Glasgow, was a common destination for people from Co Antrim, because there were a lot of employment opportunities there. Searching for his parents via his birth cert and the Scottish censuses for 1881 onwards may prove to be a way of learning a bit more about the family.

    Here?s Patrick in 1901, so evidently one of his parents was a sibling to Mary Hill or her late husband:…




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 21st Jan 2014, 10:47AM
  • Elwyn, Thank you for replying so promptly, also for all the information. I really appreciate it, hopefully it will lead onto more about my family. thank you Sherryn.

    Wednesday 22nd Jan 2014, 01:23AM
  • Hi there, 

    I too am looking for information about the McGlarry's from Ballycastle. In researching my family tree I found that my great grandfather x4 (william mcglarry) married Margaret Lynn in 1873 in Ballycastle (saint Patrick's i think). I know they definitely moved to Port Glasgow but first moved to Cronberry in Ayrshire which was a miners town. They had several children. John their first born was born in Ballycastle and they went on to have another son William and a few daughters (katie, helen, margaret, Jane (my direct relative) and possibly one more daughter. They eventually settled in Port Glasgow Scotland, where my family remains today (William Adair my grandfather who is Jane McGlarry's grandson). I know that William McGlarry junior went to new york and settled there, he has family living there today. i have tried to find out exactly where in Ballycastle the McGlarry's came from? I wonder if Hugh is a brother or cousin of my anscestor William. 


    Tuesday 11th Jul 2017, 01:27AM
  • Josie,


    I looked at John McGlarry birth on 20.8.1873. The place of birth was the townland of Ballyreagh. The father’s address was given as Glasgow, so he was obviously working there at the time of the birth.

    Looking at the Valuation Revision records for 1873 I see Mary Ann Lynn on plot 2b and Margaret Lynn on 2c in Ballyreagh Lower. Both were labourers cottages on Mary Donaghy’s farm. So it looks as though Margaret had gone home to her widowed mother for the birth of her first child, as so many new mothers did then. Plots 2b & 2c are just off the modern Torr Rd a few miles east of Ballycastle.

    What was William McGlarry’s townland (address) on the 1873 marriage certificate?




    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Jul 2017, 06:10PM

    Hi there Elwyn, 

    Fantastic information! Thanks so much. I plan to visit Ballycastle. Williams address on the marriage certificate is just given as Ballycastle and Margaret's is 'Barnish'. 






    Wednesday 12th Jul 2017, 02:39PM
  • Barnish is a townland in Culfeightrin parish. It’s about a quarter of a mile west of Ballyreagh. The RC chapel is in Barnish so that’s the easiest way to find it. I looked at the Valuation records for 1873. There were only 3 farms in Barnish at the time. No Lynn households, so I’d guess that Margaret was working on one of the farms as a servant and so wasn’t shown in the records.

    I had a look at the Ballycastle records for around 1873. There were dozens of changes of tenant and so it wasn’t really possible to check every change with any certainty. However I only saw one McGlarry and that was a Catherine McGlarry in Harriett Lane. She lived there from at least 1865 – 1876. You can search the records yourself to see when she arrived and left.

    I did notice a few McGarry households. McGlarry seems likely to me to be a variation of McGarry, so you might keep them in mind.

    Griffiths for 1861 has a Margaret McGlarry in Ballyreagh Lower. She had a labourers cottage 4d.  There was also a Hugh McGlarry in Ballyreagh Upper. He had another labourers cottage 5e. Both seem likely to be connected to your family given the addresses.

    Catherine McGlarry died 1.1.1895 aged 76. She was the widow of a labourer. The informant was her son John. His and her address was just Ballycastle.

    A Jane McGlarry died 27.10.1917. She was a spinster aged 74. The informant was Annie McGlarry. Again the address was just Ballycastle. However going by the census she lived in Harriet’s Lane.

    A Mary McGlarry died in Ballycastle 1888 aged 75. Her death cert isn’t on-line and you would need to pay to view it. (£2.50 sterling on the GRONI site).

    1901 census:


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 12th Jul 2017, 05:55PM

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