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Greetings from New York. I am interested in learning anything about my family's connections in Loughguile. My great-grandfather, Joseph Dinsmore, is from Ballymoney. He is the son of Hugh Dinsmore, also of Ballymoney. But the baptism records of most of Hugh's children and the marriage of his daughter Elizabeth took place in Loughguile. We have the following records stating that these baptisms took place in Loughguile:

Name                  Date of Birth      Date of Baptism  Father               Mother     Witness

James Densmore  5 Feb 1842       5 Feb 1842       Hugh Densmore  Anne Martin Catherine Martin

(out of wedlock)

Mary Ann Densmore 24 Apr 1842  24 Apr 1842       Hugh Densmore Margaret Patrick McIlhatton,                                                                                                                  Elizabeth McAvoy

Hannah Jane Densmore 15 Nov 1846 15 Nov 1846  Hugh Densmore Margaret Thos McCambridge,

                                                                                                                 Martha Densmore     

Margaret Densmore  23 Dec 1849   23 Dec 1849  Hugh Densmore Margaret Patrick McIlhatton,

                                                                                                              Martha Densmore

Matilda Dinsmore    13 Jun 1852 13 Jun 1852  Hugh Dinsmore  Margaret   Daniel McKillin,

                                                                                                            Sarah McKillin


William John Dinsmore 22 Oct 1854 22 Oct 1854  Hugh Dinsmore Margaret John Dinsmore,

                                                                                                              Mary McKillin

Also the marriage of Elizabeth Dinsmore (father Hugh) was recorded in Loughguile to James McKeever Craig at the Loughguile RC Chapel (father Patrick) on 7 June 1868. Witnesses: John McLaughlin and Hannah Jane Dinsmore officiated by Rev. McLaughlin.

As you will see, we do not have baptism records for my great-grandfather Joseph Dinsmore or his sister Elizabeth. I do have the marriage records of my great-grandfather to Jane Laverty in 1867 (who died in 1869) and to Rose Gorman (my great-grandmother) in 1870.

I would appreciate any information you could give me, especially in locating the baptism records of my great-grandfather Joseph Dinsmore and great-aunt Elizabeth Dinsmore-McKeever.

By the way, I suspect my great-great-grandfather Hugh was in deep trouble with his wife, considering he fathered an out-of-wedlock child several months before the birth of Margaret's and Hugh's first child. Yikes! I would have loved to be a fly on that wall when he explained that to Margaret.

Thank you.

All best,





Thursday 8th May 2014, 02:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Christine

    Just a quick thought on the baptism details you have been looking for: The Roman Catholic records for the parish begin in 1842 for baptisms and 1825 for marriages. It could be that Joseph and Elizabeth were some of the elder children and as such their births predate the records available?

    Have you had a look at the website of the Ulster Historical Foundation?

    I see that there are 42 Dinsmore entries on Griffith's Valuation. Even though this source only records the head of the household, the information is very important and can be valuable:…

    There is a book about Ballymoney Graves and it includes some Dinsmore/Dinsmoor families but I am not sure how useful it would be to you or if those listed in it are connected to you at all. There are some details here:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 12th May 2014, 11:35AM
  • Thank you, Clare. These links are great. I will follow up on them for sure. Ireland Reaching Out is a gem! Warm regards from New York,  Christine


    Monday 12th May 2014, 12:30PM
  • James mckeever died in lowell mass in the early part of the last century. He is burried there with some of his relatives . He never returned to his family in Craigs .

    My name is Joe mc keever and I am a direct descendant of Patrick mc keever of Craigs .



    Saturday 23rd Aug 2014, 09:35PM
  • Dear Joe,

    I received a message from another post:  in which Geo123 is the great-great grandson of my great-grandaunt, Elizabeth Dinsmore, and her husband James McKeever. The granddaugter of Elizabeth and James and grandmother of Geo123, Mary Agnes, moved to Scotland in 1922. According to Geo123, James McKeever and Elizabeth Dinsmore (also spelled Densmore) McKeever moved to Dunlevy and then to Craigs. He states family still lives in Craigs.

    Do we have the wrong Elizabeth and James? If you go to the 'Dinsmore' message and follow our posts, you can get a sense of Geo123's family tree. Maybe then you can tell me if your James McKeever is the husband of my great-grandaunt, Elizabeth Dinsmore, or if Geo123's James and Elizabeth are my relatives. Thanks in advance.

    Needless to say, the search for ancesters is an art, not a science.

    Best regards from Woodstock, NY,




    Saturday 23rd Aug 2014, 09:52PM

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