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I am searching for where in Antrim my family came from.  My closest yDNA match is a Kirkpatrick whose ancestors came from Loughguile.  My ancestors were:  James (1795) and Jane (McKay) (1793) Kilpatrick and their six children:  Eleanor (1827)), James (1828), Eliza (1829), Margaret (1832), Isabella (1833) and William (1834).  They arrived in the US in 1844.  I would greatly appreciate any help!  I have been searching in every place possible in the US for years. 

Thank you for any help!


Monday 19th Jan 2015, 10:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • Nancy,

    As you probably already know, Kirkpatrick/Kilpatrick are interchangeable in Ireland and so you will see the spelling switch from one to the other.

    You don?t say what denomination your ancestors were. Looking at the available church records for Loughguile, I see that the Church of Ireland has baptism records for 1802 ? 1814 and 1876 onwards (intervening years lost in the 1922 fire); Presbyterian 1862 onwards and RC 1845 onwards. Kilraghts 1 st & 2nd Presbyterian churches are also in the area. Kilraghts 1st has baptisms from 1831, the 2nd from 1855. So Kilraghts 1st is the only one covering the years you are interested in, and even then only just. (There's a copy of those baptism records in PRONI).

    Looking at Griffiths Valuation for Loughguile in 1861, there are no Kirkpatrick households. There are about 10 Kilpatrick households. They were in Drumdallagh, Coolkeeran, Turnagrove, Ballynagashel, Ballytaggart, Culbane & Ballyportery South.

    By 1901, there were Kirkpatricks in Turnagrove (5 households):

    All Presbyterian. They were the only Kil/Kirpatricks in any of the townlands listed in Griffiths.

    Here?s a link to someone researching one of those families. (You might be able to compare data and DNA with them. Some of the names are similar to yours. Might be a connection):

    The modern Drones Rd BT44 runs through Turnagrove. I searched the modern phone book and there are non Kil/Kirkpatricks listed for Drones Rd but there are 4 in the BT44 area. You could try getting in touch with them to see if they know anything of their ancestry. 50% of the population are ex-directory these days, so that?s probably not a comprehensive list. Local enquiries may find you others

    There?s 7 Kirkpatrick probate files for the Turnagrove family in PRONI. Here?s one example (the will itself is on-line). You can search the site for the other townlands too).

    Probate of the Will of Robert Kirkpatrick late of Turnagrove Pharis County Antrim Farmer who died 3 August 1901 granted at Belfast to William J. M'Millan Farmer. Effects ?298 15s.




    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 20th Jan 2015, 11:55AM
  • Thank you Elwyn. Let us know if you learn anything new Nancy!

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 26th Jan 2015, 03:42PM
  • Hi Elwyn,

    Thank you for this help!  I'm sorry not to have written sooner, but somehow managed to mess up my username and password! 

    My ancestors belonged to a Presbyterian Church somewhere in Antrim, and were gone by 1844, and called themselves Kilpatrick in the US, until some of them changed their names to Kirkpatrick.  The ship's manifest that I think they are listed on, calls them Kirkpatrick.  So I do understand that the names were interchangeable! 

    The link you sent to someone researching a family appears to be really helpful - several of the names of the children are repeated in my family.  So I definitely appreciate your help!  It could provide the answer to my problem!

    Take care,



    Thursday 29th Jan 2015, 02:24PM
  • Hi Elwyn,

    Thank you for this help!  I'm sorry not to have written sooner, but somehow managed to mess up my username and password! 

    My ancestors belonged to a Presbyterian Church somewhere in Antrim, and were gone by 1844, and called themselves Kilpatrick in the US, until some of them changed their names to Kirkpatrick.  The ship's manifest that I think they are listed on, calls them Kirkpatrick.  So I do understand that the names were interchangeable! 

    The link you sent to someone researching a family appears to be really helpful - several of the names of the children are repeated in my family.  So I definitely appreciate your help!  It could provide the answer to my problem!

    Take care,



    Thursday 29th Jan 2015, 02:25PM
  • Hi Clare,

    I will definitely let you know if I am successful!  As you can see, I was able to get back in with your help! 

    Thank you so much for your help,


    Thursday 29th Jan 2015, 02:28PM
  • Hello Nancy

    I see we share a small amount of DNA. I have Kirkpatrick ancestors from Loughguile, happy to talk about the area etc



    Tuesday 4th May 2021, 08:39AM

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