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 I am researching the McNeilly family from Loughguile.  I
have an Ellen McNeilly my great grandma. She was baptised on 6th April 1856
in the parish district of Loughguile. Her parents were Henry Mcneilly and
Elizabeth. I am searching for info on the family particulary Henry and
Elizabeth. on the certificate the name is spellt McNeely. Ellen Married John
McNaul on the 26th Nov 1876. John's father was William McNaul they married at
the roman church in Loughguile. The family and children including my
grandmother lived in this area as children.

Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

Thursday 16th Feb 2017, 12:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Can you give us some information from the 1876 civil certificate. What was Ellen’s townland at that time, and what was her father’s occupation?

    With that I may be able to pick them up in Griffiths and the revaluation records.

    Here’s the 1832 tithes for the parish:…

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 17th Feb 2017, 07:28PM
  • Hello, my name is Ann Cunningham and Ellen McNeilly is also my great-grandmother.  Her daughter Margaret May McNaul is my grandmother and my mother is Margaret McCormick.

    I researched the family tree on the McNaul side.  You can view it here in this link

    I know that Elizabeth,  Margaret McNaul'ssister had two children Mary and Bridget that lived in Coventry.  We are from Loughborough in Leicestershire and used to visit when I was a child.  This would make you and I second cousins. Unfortunately, I couldn't find much about John and Ellen.

    Have you found any more info and do you have anything to share with me?  Which McNaul do you descend from?


    Monday 5th Mar 2018, 09:55PM

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