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Searching for McClarty’s in Cushendall, Lyad Parish, County Antrim. 3rd great grandfather - James McLarty born in Ireland in 1757, died there, date unknown. Married Jane McAllister. Son James McClarty born in 1780, immigrated to Owen Sound, Ontario in mid-1840s,dying there in 1873. Known sibling names, Daniel and Ann.  Daniel remained in Ireland, believe Ann married an Archibald Hamilton and also immigrated to Canada. 


Saturday 24th Aug 2019, 11:33PM

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    There is 1 Daniel McClarty listed in Layd townland in Griffiths Valuation for 1861. He had plot 10 which was a 20 acre farm. There were other McClarty households nearby who were presumably related to him.

    The Valuation revision records show Daniel’s name against that property till 1885 when he is replaced by James (suggesting Daniel may have died). I searched the statutory death records and there is one for Daniel on 4.2.1883 aged 81. 

    The informant was his son James:

    This looks to be James in 1911 with his wife Mary Ann Bray:…

    The McClarty families in Layd in the 1901 & 1911 censuses all appear to be Church of Ireland.  Layd Church of Ireland has records from 1826. There’s a copy in PRONI in Belfast. The records are also on the  rootsireland site. There is a record of James birth to Daniel & Mary McClarty on 26.1.1849 in Layde.

    Daniel's wife Mary died 28.2.1884 at Layde. James again was the informant.

    James evidently died in 1932. His will should be in PRONI in paper format.

    McClarty James of Layd county Antrim farmer died 23 March 1932 Probate Belfast 29 June to Mary Ann McClarty the widow and Daniel McAllister auctioneer. Effects £40.

    James McLarty had married Mary Ann Bray on 18.3.1886 in Cushendall, Church of Ireland. She was from Strangford (Co. Down) and her father John was a seaman.

    The family rented from the Antrim Estates. Their tenant records are held in PRONI in Belfast and go back to the 1820s.  So you could probably confirm Daniel’s presence on that farm back to that period. He is listed in the tithes for 1826, so he was farming in Layd then:…

    Getting back much before the start of the church records may prove challenging.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 27th Aug 2019, 09:59PM
  • Thank you so much for this information and for your time and effort to provide it!


    Wednesday 28th Aug 2019, 02:57PM
  • Hi Elywn, I have a letter from Daniel to my gg grandpa James written from Tavnagharry in 1843. In the letter he mentions the struggles to survive because of the high tithes. Would Tavnagharry relate to any of the information you provided.  Thanks. Judy.





    Wednesday 28th Aug 2019, 07:13PM
  • Tavnagharry is another townland near Layd. I looked in Griffiths Valuation for 1861. There was one McClarty farm there (plot 5 which was c 20 acres). The tenant then was George McClarty. Perhaps a brother to your Daniel? Tavnagharry today has the modern Gaults Rd running through it. Layde is on the modern Layde Rd. I suppose the two farms are about 3 or 4 miles apart.  Both would be hill farms. Fairly poor ground in parts, I suspect. The Layde farm ran in a narrow strip down to the shore (of the Irish Sea). Both farms would have fine views across to Scotland.

    George McClarty’s name remains as tenant of the Tavnagharry property till 1901 when he is replaced by Daniel Murphy. I looked for a death around that time and the only one I could find was on 22.12.1902 at Lubitavish.  He was a bachelor, aged 80. Informant was his nephew John McCloy.

    The Lubitavish family in 1901:

    I suspect George had retired from the Tavnagharry farm around the late 1890s and had gone to live with relatives in Lubitavish. John McCloy married Esther Murphy on 10.2.1880 at Cushendall Church of Ireland. His father was Patrick McCloy. Esther was from Ballyeman and her father John Murphy was a farmer. So not sure how they are related to George McClarty.

    The 1826 tithes list a Daniel in Savanagharry. That looks to be an alternative name for Tavanagharry. So he could be the letter writer. However he isn't listed there by Griffiths in 1861. So had he died or moved? There is 1 Daniel death in the Layd Church of Ireland records. A Daniel died 22.2.1846 aged 63. His address was Woodpark? (suggesting the address wasn't very clear). No other information is recorded.


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 28th Aug 2019, 10:15PM
  • Hi Elywn, upon looking further at a cousin’s research our Daniel died in 1846, and his son James eventually moved to the U.S., coming to Canada for a short while before returning to the states. George could have been his brother.  My sister, and perhaps I and another sister, are coming to Dublin in April 2030 and intend to go to Cushendall and so can I assume that Daniel’s grave would be in Lyad?  Thanks.  Judy



    Thursday 29th Aug 2019, 04:19PM
  • Well it's probably in one of the graveyards there. There are 2 or 3. Start with the Churhc of Ireland. Not everyone in the mid 1840s could afford a gravestone of course. Farmers tended to be slightly better off and were more likely to have one but there's no certainty about that. Have a look on the Ulster Historical Foundation website. They have a list of all the graveyards in and around Layd, and they may also have transcriptions of any legible gravestones. Few graveyards would have any burial records for the 1840s.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 30th Aug 2019, 05:53PM
  • Thanks Elywn!


    Saturday 31st Aug 2019, 03:41AM
  • I just stumbled across your chat, and I too am researching James McClarty and Jane McAllister. I have a DNA match with that branch and would love to share information. How do we do this? Do I give you my email address? Pat F




    Pat Boyle Ford

    Sunday 8th Sep 2019, 03:59PM
  • hi Pat, haven't heard back from you.  Please contact me at  Very excited to see how we are related.

    Hi Pat, I have had my DNA tested on MyHeritage, Ancestry and 23andme. Are you on one of these?  I have been working on my family tree on Ancestry. FamilySearch is a good source to search for information.   I live in Canada and have numerous DNA matches showing thru ThruLinks on Ancestry, specifically for descendants of of my gg Grandfather James and his brother Daniel and sister Ann (McClarty) Hamilton. Are you related through one of these?  My email is  Judy




    Monday 9th Sep 2019, 04:20PM
  • Attached Files

    I just found this chat today. I am a descendant of James Hamilton born about 1813 who married Katie McCameridge. Family lore says that he was the son of Archibald Hamilton and Ann McClarty. I have not been able to find documentation to prove this. I found another James Hamilton born about 1842 who is also the son of Archibald and Ann Hamilton. I am not sure if there are 2 different couples, or possibly Archibald married 2 Anns or if possibly James is a younger brother of Archibald. I have never been able to find the death record for my James Hamilton. He died between the 1871 and 1881 census. He lived in Holland Township, Grey County, Ontario. I do have my tree on Ancestry so I can direct anyone there who would like to have a look. I believe I have Archibald as the father of my James there. I went on a trip to County Antrim organized by a distant relative, Bert Hamilton (now deceased) back in August 2000.  At that time Bert gave me a McLarty document as he knew I was doing research. It was a paper copy which I have since transcribed as the digital was difficult to ready in places due to the very small font. Since this is a McLarty discussion I am sharing the document here in case it is helpful to someone. 

    I have a tree posted to Ancestry. I have done my DNA, my aunt's DNA which are connected to my tree there. I also have my brother's yDNA on familytreedna. I need to learn much more about DNA.

     If anyone would like to contact me my email is:

    Marilyn Irish (nee Hamilton)


    Marilyn Irish

    Sunday 1st Mar 2020, 08:21PM
  • Upon further research I don't believe my ggg grandfather, born 1757 was married to Jane McAllister.  I've come up with a marriage between an Agnes Straney to a James McLarty in 1788, but can't find any details as to James birth year, etc.  They were married in Kircubbin, countyDown. My ancestors came from Cushendall so assuming that's where James was from. Would it be a stretch to think he might marry someone that far away from Cushendall?  Thanks.


    Thursday 5th Mar 2020, 08:44PM
  • I've just discovered there is a headstone in the old Layde Parish grave yard that says:  

    Survey of Layde Graveyard, Published by the Glens of Antrim Historical Society, page 91

    Erected by / James McLarty late / of Tavnaughbrack to / the memory of his / daughter Rose who / departed this life / the 9th April 1825.  I believe this is met great great grandfather whose daughter Rose died before they came to Canada. Could someone please advise where Tavnaughbrack is in relation to Cushendall? Is it an old name for Tavnagharry?  Also, from this description in comments above regarding George McClarty's Tavnagharry farm:  McClarty farm there (plot 5 which was c 20 acres).- would it be possible to actually find this farm in current day?  Thanks.




    Saturday 7th Mar 2020, 08:47PM
  • Judyk,

    The McClarty farm in Tavnagharry is/was on the modern Gaults Rd, about a mile west of Cushendall. You can see where it is using the maps on the Griffiths Valuation site. Use the slider bar in the top right hand corner of the maps screen to switch between the 1870s map and a modern one.

    Tavnaughbrack is in a different townland. It appears in the 1826 tithes as Tavanagh/Brack/one/norkat.  There was a James McClaherty farming there then so he’d likely be the man who erected Rose's gravestone.

    Tavnaghbrack is a part of the townland of Tavnaghowen. It’s on Tavnaghan Lane, half a mile north of Cushendall on the A2 Ballycastle Rd. There were no McClarty (or variants) recorded there in Griffiths Valuation in 1861. So they had evidently died out or moved by that year.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 8th Mar 2020, 09:13PM
  • Thanks once again, Elywn!


    Monday 9th Mar 2020, 01:03AM
  • I too am looking for James McClarty. I discovered this post about 5 minutes ago and some of the information I have seems to line up with other names I have. I will need to confirm. I believe James Augustus McClarty was born 1850 was married to a Mary Ellen Grey born 1852 from Scotland. There is some mysteries I am research in this line but have found some possible connections in the Owen Sound area. I believe James is the father of Mary Helena McLarty who adopted my father. At some point they lived Inna small town of Sutton, Quebec which is right on the board of Richford Vermont. I have had much difficult in tracing Mary Grey. Her death certificate only shows the last name of Grey and Paine. I would love to hear from anyone researching this family.

    Thursday 16th Jul 2020, 06:12PM
  • Ive checked my family tree. My McClarty family originally came to and settled in the Owen Sound area.  There are a number of James McClarty's born within our family in the 1850s range but none with the middle name of Augustus and none that I can see who married a Helen Grey.  Sorry I'm unable to help you.


    Saturday 18th Jul 2020, 06:39PM

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