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I am looking for marriage info - John McMichael (possibly from Culbane) and Mary Quinn (possibly from Armoy), around 1830-35.  Their son James McMichael (b 1836) is my GGGF.

Thank you,

Margaret Nolan

Wednesday 1st Jan 2014, 02:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Margaret,

    You don?t say what denomination the marriage was but I?ll assume RC.

    Culbane is in Loughguile parish and Armoy in Armoy parish. Tradition was to marry in the bride?s church. Unfortunately Armoy parish has no records earlier than 1843. In the event that they married in Loughguile, the news there is no better as their records don?t start till 1845. I note there?s some uncertainty about exactly where the couple originated. None of the adjacent RC parishes has any records for the 1830s either save for Ramoan where they start in 1838, which is also too late, I suspect. It?s unlikely therefore that you?ll be able to locate the date of the marriage from church records.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 1st Jan 2014, 04:37PM

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