News from Ireland

Boats on a river

Touring Ireland

When: Friday, 27 March, 2020

1. Culture & Heritage Tours Ireland

Irish Podcast Listen List

IrelandXO Irish Podcast Selection

When: Monday, 23 March, 2020

1. Doc on One: History

An Irish Mammy next to her Children in 1800s

Spotlight On The Irish Mammy

When: Friday, 20 March, 2020

Though the everyday actions of our Irish Mammies have undoubtedly shaped the Irish nation by helping generations of Irish people, at home and abroad, they sadly have largely gone unremarked by history.

Children's Family Tree Resource

Family Tree Resource For Kids

When: Thursday, 23 April, 2020

Filling in your family tree is a bit like solving a big puzzle – and each puzzle is different for every family! You will have to do some detective work, so remember to take notes and keep your eyes and ears open for clues that well help you discover the names that you are looking for.

IRO Diaspora Map

Where did your Irish Ancestor Emigrate to?

When: Tuesday, 1 March, 2022

Sharing what we know helps researchers on both sides of the pond connect the dots.  Help us help you #BringTheirMemoryHome to Ireland. 

IrelandXO Chronicles -  A Diverse Diaspora

IrelandXO Chronicles - A Diverse Diaspora

When: Thursday, 24 September, 2020

Our Irish diaspora is as diverse as the many countries that our ancestors emigrated to. Our emigrants opened our eyes and minds to different cultures and today, both at home and abroad, Irish people can lay claim to ancestry that comes from many different continents.

Chronicles Insight - Pioneering Irish Women of Sport

Pioneering Irish Women of Sport

When: Friday, 6 March, 2020

Sophie Peirce-Evans

Bringing the Mountbellew ‘Orphan’ Girls Home

Bringing the Mountbellew 'Orphan' Girls Home

When: Friday, 25 September, 2020

November 1852 was a dark month in east Galway and made even more so by the lingering effects of An Gorta Mor, the Great Hunger, which had blighted the land for the previous 7 years causing the deaths and emigration of millions. In that month a group of 30 young girls set off from Mountbellew Work

Mountbellew (Galway) Galway
Creating Connections Webinar Playback: Through New York Ports

Creating Connections Webinar Playback: Through New York Ports

When: Friday, 9 October, 2020

Scroll down for video Following on from the NYC Chronicles webinar, we stayed with the theme of New York for September's installment of our Creating Connections webinar series.

Ireland on Instagram

Ireland on Instagram

When: Wednesday, 18 March, 2020

Landscapes Ireland has some breathtakingly beautiful scenery, from rugged coastlines to limestone mountains, here are five Instagram accounts that give you a taste of the diverse landscapes of Ireland. 
