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I'm kind of at a standstill for my Ballantine family thread at the moment, so thought I'd look a different direction and see if there is anything new I can learn about the Woodside's in my tree.

The Woodside's show up separated by a couple of generations; William/John Ballantine (1743-1791) was married to Ann Jane Woodside (abt 1745-abt 1828).  They had two children that I am aware of; John Ballantine (1761-1833) and James (1779-1821).  Their son, John was my 4th great-grandfather.  I have nothing on Ann's parents or siblings.

John and wife Mary McShannon, had several children, one of which was Hugh Ballantine (1812-1850).  Hugh married Agnes Woodside (1842-1933).  Ann's parents were Abram Woodside (1817-1882) and Janet Creighton (1822-1914).

I'm guessing that there is some connection, but haven't been able to sort it out as yet.  I've got the book, "Old Families of Carrickfergus & Ballynure" but have learned nothing new about the Woodside's from that.  Abram and Janet Woodside arrived in the Ogdensburg, NY area in 1846; coming from County Antrim.

That's pretty much what I know; just hoping to connect Ann Jane with Agnes Woodside in some manner.  Thanks for any information or suggestions you might have - and thank you for creating this forum, it's been a great help in trying to connect with my Irish ancestry.




Wednesday 16th Jan 2019, 01:46AM

Message Board Replies

  • Terry,

    You don’t mention which townland the Woodside families lived in. Do you know? I looked in the PRONI catalogue for Woodsides near Ballynure. I found this lease:D1080/5/71 14 April 1791  Lease from John Forsythe, Sen., Ballynure, Co. Antrim to John Graham, Ballyeaston, Co. Antrim concerning a parcel of land at Ballyeaston, previously occupied by Alexander Woodside.

    I assume you have searched the church records for the area?

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 16th Jan 2019, 09:16AM
  • Hi Elwyn,

    Thanks, as always, for your quick reply.  I know you've assisted me before, over at the Antrim History Forum as I recall; and always with great suggestions and information.

    Ballynure is the best I have for the Woodsides at the moment; but I also have Graham's and Forsythe's in the family, so need to expand a bit and look at adjoining Townlands as well.  Appears that those families stayed pretty close over the years.  As I recall, my Andrew Forsythe (m. Jane Ballantine) lived in Bryantang prior to coming to the US; and my Hugh McShannon was from Castletown. I've searched church records before, but am taking another look at old resources for new updates.

    Thanks for the lease information, I hadn't seen that information and they may be connected in some way.




    Saturday 19th Jan 2019, 10:38PM
  • Hi Terry

    I have a few random snippets relating to Woodsides of Ballynure.  It may also be worth trying to contact the Woodsides of Woodside Haulage?  I’m pretty sure their main yard is on land held by the family for a few generations.

    1713.  Lease from Richard Dobbs to Robert Woodside of Skilganaban (ROD 14/288/6241).

    1724.  The will of James Anderson of Ballynure (PRONI T283/B) lists his creditors and debtors, including a John Woodside.

    1728.  Marriage settlement between Robert Woodside of Ballynure and Isabel McClure alias Michel of Dunmining, parish of Ahoghill (ROD 69/414/48964).

    1815.  The will of Joseph Hunter of Ballynure (PRONI T2501/1) mentions his daughter Mary Hunter alias Woodside wife to John Woodside.  It also mentions his grandchildren Joseph Woodside, and Margaret Ballintine Hunter.  One of the executors was David Ballintine of Headwood.

    1849.  Samuel Barron of Skilganaban sold to Thomas McClean land between Ballyclare and Ballynure bordered by land owned by Alexander Woodside (ROD 1849/7/281).  One of the lives was Eleanor Craig née Woodside.

    I can email you more details if you need (particularly the wills, because you can’t get them online).



    Sunday 3rd Mar 2019, 11:17AM

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