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I am seeking information about William Hynes and his wife Mary Melady.  They lived in Moate, Westmeath, Ireland in the 1860s.  I believe they also lived in Althone, Westmeath, Ireland.  They had a son William Hynes who was born 07 Apr 1866 in Moate, Westmeath, Ireland.  I am especially interested in Mary Maleady who was my great aunt.  She is the daughter of Michael Melady and Anne Gavin.   Any information about this family that can be provided to me would be greatly appreciated.  I am hopeful some of their descendents are alive today and they would contact me.  Thank you for any information you can provide.


Thursday 28th Dec 2017, 01:15AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Peggy has the following siblings for Mary but the mother's first name is Mary:

    Ellen 1826; (Mary 1829); Thomas 1832; Bridget 1834 & 1837; Rose 1840 & Edward 1844 all Parish District Tubber and Rosemount.

    I looked in the Irish phone book ( in people search Maleady Westmeath and there are 2 listed so perhaps you could drop them a line; I am not permitted to pass on personal details on this site but can email them if you can't find them.



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 28th Dec 2017, 04:27AM
  • Col,  Thank you for your quick reply and the information you provided.  My greatgrandmother was Mary's younger sister, Rose.  I will try to contact the Maleadys you told me about.

    Thank you again so very much, Peggy


    Thursday 28th Dec 2017, 02:19PM

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