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I am looking for any information you might have about Thomas Underwood b. about 1760 d. 1806, his wife Mary McKee b. about 1765 d. 1819 or any of their children who were born in Ballintra. Children were Anne Underwood b 1784 d 1810 in Ballintra - she may be buried in Ballintra, Adam b 1786 married Jane Taylor 1826, no death date - may have stayed in Donegal, Thomas b1790 d 1869 in Ontario Canada - married Jane Jackson about 1815, Andrew b 1793 d 1876 Ontario Canada - married Hannah Ingram about 1817 and Eleanor Ingram.  Emeli

Wednesday 15th Nov 2017, 04:45AM

Message Board Replies

  • Emeli:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Roots Ireland has the Drumhome Church of Ireland records going back to the 1700s. Burial records are also available. You may want to consider a short-term subscription to Roots to view available family records. I was unable to find a baptismal record for the 1760 Thomas or his marriage record to Mary McKee.

    You also may also want to add the stories of any ancestors who left Ireland to our XO Chronicles site…; Possibly someone will recognize your family.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 18th Nov 2017, 02:29PM
  • Hi Emeli,

    I justed loaded my maternal great great (2X) grandfathers information (Thomas Sommerville Morrow) into the Drumhome parish site. My great great grandfather was also born in Ballintra, but immigrated to Ontario around 1850. So I was wondering whether you had any success in finding baptismal, marriage or burial records for your family in or near Balllintra. I assume my 3X great grandparents are buried in or near Ballintra. As I understand it, they were protestant, so I guess Church of Ireland members. As suggested by Roger did you try a short term subscription to Roots and have any success ?

    If you don't mind, I would be interested in hearing about your efforts to obtain Ireland documentation.


    Greg Sannes



    Saturday 10th Feb 2018, 07:26PM

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