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I have exhausted my research on my Shaffrey line which also includes Maxwells.   About 6 years ago I took the time to pour through the Parish of Moynalty ledger records found on film.  The chicken scratch writing was hard to get through and when the handwriting did improve the book was about the time that my ancestors left Ireland for the United States.  I did continue in the ledger though trying to piece together the Shaffrey's of Shancarnan and the immediate area.  The parish record starts in 1829.  I was able to locate the marriage of my 3rd great-grandparents, Joseph Maxwell and Judith Shaffrey, on 24 Sep 1834.  Judy as she was known by was from Shancarnan but the Maxwells were not and only this specific family was found there once Joseph and Judy were married.  Their children's baptisms were entered in the parish registry also - Dennis Maxwell, 16 Jun 1836; Mary Maxwell 17 Mar 1838; James Maxwell, 27 Sep 1841; Ellen M Maxwell, 22 Mar 1846; Catherine Maxwell, 7 Jul 1849.  The Maxwells were sponsors/witnesses to other parish member baptisms and marriages along with Judy indicated as such, too.  What I can't find?  Judith Shaffrey's parents are not indicated in any records that I've been able to access, namely the Parish of Moynalty, Meath.   The only other Maxwell mentioned is a Bill Maxwell as a convert.  I have found researching this line to be very challenging beyond what I have indicated.  I have a spreadsheet indicating line item entries of every and any instance of a Shaffrey/Shaffy/Shaffry that I could find in the parish of Moynalty ledger.  That was rather daunting to put together since the registry is hard to read.  I did my best.  I have that spreadsheet saved. I can't figure out the relationships of the family members based off this record.....well, maybe some of the later families come together a bit.  My Shaffrey/Maxwells left Ireland in 1853 and ended up at the Irish Settlement in Upstate, New York - Specifically, Newport, Herkimer County, New York.  Shaffrey, as my family has indicated it is spelled, is not a common Irish name and mostly only found in the Kells and Moynalty areas of Meath.   I have other Irish surnames in my line that are so common, research could be hard yet those have unfolded like a finely pressed shirt.  If anyone has any information about Judith Shaffrey (b. 1817 - approximately) and her parents, I am all ears.  I'd like to see documented proof.  Rumor has it that Judith's father was one Simon Shaffrey but I have not proof or source documents to prove it.  I just have some word based of someone research on a bit of a whim.  I do have some anecdotal information from a distant relative that Judith and Joseph owned and operated a tavern near Moynalty.  When the famine hit and the people started leaving Ireland, their business was adversely impacted because their customers were leaving the area.  They in turn left too.  I am hoping someone has a different source to go on for the Shaffreys and maybe the Maxwells alike.  Maxwell is a Scottish name by the way.  Apparently, Joseph's father was a James Maxwell from Scotland (b. circa 1786).  Feel free to contact me -  Who knows, I could have information that someone needs on my spreadsheet.  Thanks!  


Tuesday 14th Aug 2018, 06:22AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kristin, just ran across this post.  I am looking for info about Shaffrey's in County Meath as well.  My ancestor, as recorded in our family history is  below - I am assuming the name spelling we have is incorrect.  I have no information about this family except this.  I think the town is Moynalty, but it is possible the reference is to the parish, not the village.  My family came from an area just north of Kells, so my belief is that they were near the village of Moynalty.

    Bridget Sehoeffery1806–1892

    BIRTH 19 JULY 1806 • Moynalty, County Meath, Ireland

    Patricia Smith

    Tuesday 11th Jun 2019, 01:36PM
  • Hello Patricia Smith,  I happened to do a google search and relocated my post on this site.  I have no way to reach you.  Please email me at  


    Tuesday 7th Jul 2020, 06:14AM
  • This is on if it helps:

    It includes a Shaffery and Maxwell marriage.

    The reason I looked at it is this: My Great Grandfather, Michael Conway, was adopted by Michael Shaffery just north of Herkimer NY in Wilna, NY around the year 1865. Michael Shaffery (b.1817) immigrated to America from Ireland with two brothers, Patrick (b.1819) and Thomas (b.1809). I wondered if there is a connection.

    Thursday 10th Aug 2023, 10:48PM

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