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Hi my name is Gabriella Rowsam. I believe that my 5 times great-grandfather William Rowsam was from Ballycanew, Wexford, Ireland. My family's geneaology book says he was born there in 1769. His wife Nancy was also from Ireland and was born in 1785. At some point they immigrated to the U.S. My 4 times great-grandfather was born in Upstate New York in 1816 and he was their first child. I was woundering if anyone knew anything about the Rowsam family in that area. There are many variations of the surname (Rowsom, Rawson, Rawsome, Rossum, ect.). On this side of my family tree William Rowsam was the end of the line. I have had trouble finding any information about who is parents were and would love the know more.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Thank you so much, 

Gabby Rowsam 


Gabby Rowsam

Friday 7th Dec 2018, 09:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Do you know what denomination your Rowsam  family were ?

    The very early date could be a problem as there are few parishes with records back that far - e.g. the Catholic parish for the area is Camolin which only has baptism and marriage records back to the 1850s, Church of Ireland records for the parish of Ballycanew go back to 1730s, but as far as I know are not available anywhere online at present. Original records are held by the parish, and the National Archives of Ireland has microfilms of the registers for the parish.

    The RCB Library is currently working on a very large project to transcribe the Church of Ireland records with the Anglican Records Project so worth keeping an eye on progress to see if Ballycanew is included.

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 7th Dec 2018, 10:28PM
  • A few decades (c1853) after your Rowsom family left Ireland  - Griffith's Primary Valuation shows a small number of Rowsam entries in Co. Wexford but none in Ballycanew town or parish : Tomnafunshoge townland, Templeshannon parish nr. Enniscorthy, Forties townland, KIlbride civil parish nr Ferns, and Ballysimon townland Clone parish between Enniscorthy and Boleyvogue (aka Boolavogue / Boolavoge).

    The earlier Tithe records c1827 shows six entries in Co. Wexford including another variation in spelling 'Rousom', again none in Ballycanew parish or town. One of the entries is a Henry Rousom at 'Carratublin' townland in Monamolin civil parish, which is probably a reference to the townlands of Curratubbin upper & lower. These townlands are located very close to Ballycanew town - just 4 or 5 km to the south....

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 8th Dec 2018, 02:30PM
  • My maiden name is Louise Rowsam, granddaughter of Arthur Rowsam, and our family is from Upstate New York. I will be visiting Ireland in May. I believe my grandfather had a brother named William.

    Sunday 10th Feb 2019, 04:51AM
  • Hi Louise. Was your grandfather Arthur Coy Rowsam? I looks like his father was Oliver Rowsam and his grandfather was John Rowsam (my 4 times great grandfather). John and his wife harriet had many children and their oldest appears to be William and my 3 times great grandfather was his brother Willard Rowsam. He was probably named after John's father William Rowsam. The older William is the one that my family book says was born in Ireland. 

    Gabby Rowsam

    Monday 11th Feb 2019, 01:20AM
  • Hi Louise & Gabby


    I am from Lewis County NY.  My great grandparents were Harriet Amelia Rowsam and Franklin E. Peebles.  My great great grandparents were John Rowsam and Harriet Amelia Jamerson making my 3rd great grandparents William Rowsome and Nancy Williams.  I see your last post was a little over a year ago.  I am wondering if you have found any generations before that.  

    I found on one site that Harriet Amelia Jamerson  born June 26, 1823 and John Rowsam born Feb. 26, 1816 were married on December 28, 1841.  William Rowsome was of Balicanew and Balinamona Wexford County and died on Jan. 21, 1854.  

    I remember when I was young going to Rowsom family reunions in West Martinsburg.  

    Hoping to find more information or stories of our ancestors.  




    Tuesday 10th Mar 2020, 03:06AM
  • My name is Scott William Rowsam.  I just came across this website/message board.  I have in my possession the complete Rowsam family history back to William Rowsam who came from the County of Wexford Town of Ballycanew and settled in Lowville NY.  He and his wife Nancy are buried in the Old Jackson Street Cemetery in Lowville NY.  I have photos of their markers as well as many other Rowsam headstones/markers in the Lowville, West Martinsburg and Martinsburg cemeteries.  I also have many old photos that I can share.  I will post other information at a later time.  If anyone has questions for me at this time please let me know.

    Pam:  I have some old books and diaries that belonged to Harriet Peebles.  My nephew has most of the Rowsam photos, books, diaries etc.  I can get ahold of them if you are interested in them.  Let me know 

    Scott William Rowsam

    Friday 29th Jan 2021, 09:47PM
  • Hi Scott,

    I would love to see any old photos you have! I would love to add them to my family tree on Ancestry. My username is Gabriella Rowsam if anyone would like to look at my Rowsam family tree.   
    Gabby Rowsam





    Gabby Rowsam

    Saturday 30th Jan 2021, 07:57PM
  • Gabby:  Do you live in the US?  Where is your family tree llisted?


    Scott William Rowsam

    Monday 1st Feb 2021, 04:41PM
  • Yes I live in South Carolina. My grandparents moved down here in the 70s for upstate New York. My tree is on and it is a public member tree so you should be able to access it. It is entitled Rowsam Family Tree. 


    Gabby Rowsam

    Monday 1st Feb 2021, 11:03PM
  • Great I'll take a look.  My nephew in Colorado has most of the photos ect.  it may be a few months before i can get them and post.  stay tuned


    Scott William Rowsam

    Tuesday 2nd Feb 2021, 09:37PM
  • HI Scott

    I would love to see any old diaries, books, photos that you have of the Rowsam family.

    Do you live in New York?



    Wednesday 10th Feb 2021, 12:01AM
  • unfortunately some of the parish records for Ballycanew were destroyed in the rising of 1798....The Rowsome/Rowsam family originally came from the village of Rousham in England


    Saturday 17th Sep 2022, 02:27PM
  • I did not realize that the Rowsome/Rowsam family originated from England.  Does the Village of Rousham still exist?



    Sunday 16th Oct 2022, 02:28PM
  • yes....In Oxfordshire


    Wednesday 14th Dec 2022, 11:49PM
  • Gabby, Pam, Morg; I am currently entering the Rowsam history into Ancestry. Next step is to load photo's .etc I'll let you know when all is completed. Does anyone of you know how, when, and why the name changed from Rowsome to Rowsam ?

    Scott William Rowsam

    Monday 16th Jan 2023, 11:00PM
  • Surnames in Ireland (spelling) only became standardised about 100 years ago...The vast majority of people couldn't read or write and it was up to the clergy or clerical staff in BDM to spell the names as they sounded ...In most cases we now have surnames that sound the same but are spelled slightly Leacy/Lacey...Miller/Millar ...Byrne/ Beirne etc......Rowsom/ Rowsome/ Rousom is no different



    Monday 19th Jun 2023, 01:28PM

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