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Our Patrick McFarlane and Bridget Smith we know came from Ireland, but where we have no idea.  They had a son John Smith McFarlane born c 1871 and died 1922.  I am not sure where he was born, but he was married in Bathgate Scotland in 1897 to Elizabeth Stewart and their children were Catherine, Margaret, Mary, Bridget, Elizabeth Smith, John and Thomas.  If anyone has any information or point us in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

Its been 4 years and finally have a breakthrough on this thanks to someone who contacted me.  We beleive that McFarlane's are from Ennismagrath/Innismagrath Leitrim.  More commonly spelt then was McPartlan(d) or McPharlan or similar.  Patrick's father was Hugh and Mother was Mary We(a)lsh.  We have found some baptisms of 3 of their children in this parish.  Assuming they did not venture far from there.  Parents of Mary were Walter and Bridget nee McDermid (or similar) and Hugh's parents John and Bridget nee Smith.  Any information would be greatly appreciated


Update ******, found in the last month or so.  It took just one death certificate that was bought by another person and found it did not belong to their family and found me on Ancestry.  Wow, The McFarlane/McPartlan/McFarland are from Ennismagrath, Leitrim, Ireland.  I have been able to go back another two generations.


Thursday 21st Apr 2016, 06:40AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Candy

    I had a look but can't locate a marriage for Patrick and Bridget nor baptisms for any children. You could however try to see if they were married in Dublin (you don't say what religious denomination they were) but other non-RC records are retained on the free website and the may be listed there.

    McFarlane is mostly a northern name but not exclusively so:…

    The above mentioned site may also hold John's civil birth date on its civil index

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 27th Apr 2016, 11:58AM
  • Hi Clare.  I put this post up when I was away and did not have an update file on my FH.  Looking at my main one, John was born in Edinburgh according to his marriage certificate c 1870.  Patrick and Bridget were married in Haddington, East Lothian at St Marys Catholic Church in the presence of Stephen...ealif and Bridget Maguire.  The 1871 and 1891 Census' I have found state they both were born in Ireland.  That may shed some light.  I suppose trying to find how they came to be in Scotland would help, but so far not found anything.  Have not looked for a while, been concentrating on other lines.


    Wednesday 27th Apr 2016, 09:32PM
  • There are a couple of possibilities on but is would be difficult to say for sure which one is relevant without a father's first name. Roots is a subscription site but familysearch may also have them for free


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 4th May 2016, 03:34PM
  • Thanks for that Clare.  So far have nothing that states parents or even fathers name.  Will keep checking to see if I can find anything.


    Friday 6th May 2016, 03:11AM
  • The correct name is McPartlin and comes ony from Inishmagrath.



    Thursday 25th Nov 2021, 01:32AM
  • Thanks Sharon, has been spelt so many ways once I was back in Ireland.  They seemed to have standardised it once they went to Scotland for McFarlane.


    Thursday 25th Nov 2021, 07:03PM
  • Very glad you made your connection. In Leitrim in is McPartlin but British influence changed it to McPartlan or McPartlanj. The "F" only comes in in Scotland and the US. Another Inishmagrath name is McPadden, but many searchers in the US couldn't find their families at first because they were looking for McFadden. It gets "worse" in Scotland where sometimes in was spelled in a Scottish way as McFadyen.



    Friday 26th Nov 2021, 09:17PM
  • Claire, I should ask you for more details on those you found such as dates or places. I may know them.



    Friday 26th Nov 2021, 09:19PM

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