My sister in law, Sarah Allen is hopefully trying to reconnect with her birth father mr Edward Eddy Maye from co.Mayo born in June 1944, came to Birmingham mid 1960,s as a hospital worker in Holymoor Hospital, then became a bus conductor, had a loving relationship with Maureen Allen ( Sarah,s mum).They met in Holymoor hospital social club playing badminton. Maureen Allen,s parents did not approve of the marriage. Sarah just wishes,s to hopefully reconnect, but understands that Edward eddy maye may or may not wish to reconnect. My email details is tel no. 07850 170174.
Hello Dino
Apologies but under GDPR guidlines we are unable to respond to your query. I understand Sarah's wish to reconnect I and I am so sorry we are unable to assist.
With every good wish.
Ireland XO Volunteer