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Searching for information on GREENLEES family.  Arthur Greenlees.   Born:  Antrim c1799.   

 Residence in Lanarkshire, Scotland, c1840. 

Died :  Barony, Lanarkshire, Scotland in 1878, Spouse:

 Sarah McKeown, born c1802.  Died:  Glasgow c1853




Thursday 7th Jan 2021, 01:09AM

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  • Dawn,

    Tracing someone born around 1799 can be difficult. It’s long before the start of birth registration and so you need to rely on church baptism records.  Not every church has records for the 1700s and of those that do, not all are on-line. You also need to know the person’s denomination and their parents names.

    You should be able to get Arthur’s parents names from his 1878 death certificate. The death was registered in Bridgeton and is on Scotlandspeople.

    I looked at Griffiths Valuation of Ireland for 1861 to see where Greenlees lived in Co Antrim then. There weren’t many just 11, and they were in the parishes of Carrickfergus, Glynn, Kilwaughter & Carnmoney. Basically along the shore of Belfast Lough and round towards Larne.

    You could get a researcher to go through the records for those parishes, to see if there is any sign of Arthur’s baptism and that of any siblings. The records are held in PRONI in Belfast. Researchers in the PRONI area:

    Tracing his wife Sarah will be harder, especially without parents names. But if you locate his baptism, I would search churches in that area for a marriage.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 7th Jan 2021, 09:55AM

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