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These two were married in Killenaule, but the childer I have born in Ireland were all born in Fethard between 1866 and 1877

Irish Born Children:

Margaret (1866*Ukn)

James patrick (1868-Ukn)

John (1869-Ukn) Probbalt died young as a second child was also named John

Michael James (1872-1960) My great grandfather

Blanche E. (a1875-1960)

Bridget (1875-Ukn)

Mary (1877-b1879)

Most of the family moved to Canada before 1882 and the rest of the kids are born in the states:

Mary E. (1879-1960)

John (1882-1882)

Francis James (1887-1960)


I have good records on most of the line once they reach North America, but I am unskilled in Irish reseacrh and we are very interested in learning more. We visited Ireland about 20 years ago, but knew nothing of the family history at the time. Would love to plan a trip with family history in mind.


Bob White



Tuesday 6th Jul 2021, 01:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Bob,

    Irish civil records are available for free at They include birth, death, and marriages beginning in 1864.

    RootsIreland has millions of church records and some civil records--you can subscribe for a day, a week, etc., in order to search the database.

    The bride's and groom's fathers' names are listed on the marriage record. This should help you in searching for their baptismal records.

    You can look for these families in Griffiths' Valuation--see askaboutireland.

    Killenaule was the parish the couple married in--probably the bride's home place was located in that parish. Her home place would be given on the marriage record.

    You might also consider joining an Irish genealogy society, such as the Irish Family History Society and the Irish Family History Forum (

    I hope this is helpful.


    Tuesday 6th Jul 2021, 03:44PM
  • Hi Bob . . .

    Welcome to I.R.O. . . . where we are happy to .. hopefully help you . .

    Using a (paid ) search engine . . (Roots). . I found all of your family being Baptise in Fethard Town . . in those years . . .

    See below . . for copies of the orig.Church docs.

    All except Blanche . . whom I suspect is actually Bridget . . .one and the same . .

    See Map . . hwre Coolanore is situated ( tip of the red pointer ) . .
    on the Lands of the now famous ... " Coolmore Stud Farm " ... probably the most famous on the
    International stage . . for breeding " winners " the World over . .

    Had the Whites ..held on to a few acres of that famous Turf . . they would now be millionaires !!

    However . . they were leaving " tough" times . . in post Famine Ireland. . .

    They did . . choose wisely in opting for CANADA .. what a wonderful Country and People . .

    I know . . because . . I too was once an emigrant to Canada . . where I was welcomed and trived.

    So Bob . . hopefully . . you and the family . . will return again . . to the Emerald Isle . . where you can walk the lands of Coolanore . . and dream of what might have been !!

    Fethard is steeped in History . . and the Lands surrounding are the most valuable in Ireland.

    Hope this has been of help . . . best I could do . .

    Cheers . . Eamonn.

    Eamonn M. Horan, Volunteer Ireland Reaching Out ☘️

    Thursday 8th Jul 2021, 09:04PM
  • Eamonn,

    This is amazing! Thank you so much for the hard work and time. It means the world to us. I will start digging into these right away. 

    Have a great Day!




    Tuesday 13th Jul 2021, 09:32PM

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