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I am looking for information about Lizzie McMullan.  Her fathers name was William McMullan on the marriage record.  She is listed on the 1901 census as living in Belfast aged 23 making her DOB about 1877.  Her first  child John was born in Millquarter, Ballyscullion 1902 and her second son William was born Muckrim. Duneane 1902.  I  presume one of these is the homeplace. On her son Williams birth record Mary McLenaghan her sister,  is recorded as being present at birth. 

Lizzie worked and married a man from Belfast 1900.  Her other children were born in Belfast.

I am looking for any information about this family ie.. her mothers name, any other siblings ect..

I believe Lissie was born and brought up in Ballyscullion along with her sister Mary who married Lawrence McLenaghan.  Their fathers name was William McMullan.  

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Monday 8th Jun 2020, 08:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • Gus,

    Lawrence & Mary McClenaghan in 1911:…

    And in 1901:…

    They appear to have married around 1896 (presumably a 2nd marriage for Lawrence) but I see no sign of it in the civil records.

    Here’s a McMullin family in Muckrim in 1901. Not Lizzie’s parents evidently, but perhaps an uncle?…

    There was a William McMullen farming there in Griffiths in 1862. He had plots, 3, 4 & 5. He’s deleted in 1893 and John & Thomas McBride take over the farm. However Robert McMullan takes one of the cottages, whilst having land (with no farm house) on plot 12. So this seems to tie Robert & William together.

    Probate abstract:

    The Will (with one Codicil) of William M'Mullin late of Muckrim County Antrim Farmer who died 17 March 1886 at same place was proved at Belfast by Catherine M'Mullin of Muckrim Widow one of the Executors.

    The will itself is on-line on the PRONI wills site. It mentions wife Catherine, and children James, William, Nathaniel & Lizzie. Plus Patrick & John who are in America, and daughter Mary who was married to James McCann. (This is dated March 1886). So perhaps her marriage to Lawrence McClenaghan was a 2nd marriage for her.

    William was 67 when he died. His son Nathaniel was the informant:…

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 8th Jun 2020, 09:52PM
  • Thanks Elwyn that was very informative.  I believe that Mary McLenaghan/McClenaghan is the sister of Lizzie McMullan.  

    I don,t believe Willam McMullin of Muckrim is Lizzies father as he is recorded on her marriage certificate as William McMullan presumably still alive in 1900.…

    I believe the William McMullan of Killyfast, Toome listed on the 1901 and 1911 census is Lizzies father but i can't be sure without confirmation of Lizzies mothers name.  I cannot find any record of her birth.…

    Thanks again and any other thoughts would be welcome.  



    Tuesday 9th Jun 2020, 02:10PM
  • Gus,

    Priests and Ministers in Ireland weren’t great at recording whether a father was dead on marriage certificates. They did sometimes but often didn’t. I have seen plenty where the father was definitely dead but his name and occupation are still shown. I wouldn’t assume Lizzie's father was alive when she married just from the marriage certificate alone.

    I can’t help thinking that if Lizzie's parents were the Killyfast family and still alive, would she not be staying with them when giving birth, rather than with another McMullen family in Muckrim?

    Probably worth checking Duneane parish records for the girls baptisms, plus the McClenaghan marriage c 1896. The records from 1861 onwards are still with the pp (Father McWilliams) in Moneyglass.

    Suspect this may be the 1891 birth of Robert J McMullan staying with William & Rose in 1901 & 1911:…

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 9th Jun 2020, 05:19PM
  • Hi Elwyn, i should have sent you this sooner.  This was Lizzies first child born in what i think was the home place.…  

    This child was shot and died in Belfast at the age of 18 in 1920.  Its coming up to the 100yr anniversary hence our family interest.     

    This child William, Lizzies second child may have been born in her sisters home.  Her sister Mary is recorded as present at birth.…;

     Thanks again, Gus. 



    Tuesday 9th Jun 2020, 09:46PM

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