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Hi every 1 please forgive my complete lack of geography I am willing to learn and fast. I am doing my ancstery and I have traced back to my 4th great grandfather James mcdonah (jas) and Mary Palmer they got married at st Brendan's birr Offaly Ireland in 1853 I have the ancestry off there offspring since then but no more details of them. Eg where they were born or when or  when they died. I have through stories heard of  them app still living in Tipperary from 1850 till 1872 having children my 3 rd generation of aunt n uncles has anybody heard of ivy hall may just be a story passed on through generation I am not sure  again I don't no the area sadly I have never been I am hoping that will change next year when we are allowed to travel again  any info will be great fully received  ..I have heard off Tipperary  n Offaly again I've heard of loughkeen is this the same place diffent towns  please help   Thanx  



Thursday 5th Nov 2020, 03:22PM

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  • Hi Andy   Just came accross your message today and apologies for delay in responding.  Everything was very disrupted during covid.  Anyway I have a few bits of information now, if of any use to you, or you haven't already.

    To start with Loughkeen is just accross the border in Co Tipperary from Co Offaly.  Birr is the nearest town to Loughkeen and is in  Carrig which is in the Catholic Parish of Birr.  That is why the marriage of James and Mary took place on 17/1/1853.  Unfortunately as their father's names are not recorded on the Marriage register it is difficult to prove for certain who their parents were.  Their witnesses were John Palmer and John Mahon.

    Perhaps you have already,  Birth records for their children,  Eliza, baptised 1/5/1861, Catherine and Michael born 5/7/1865, Michael J born 12/9/1867 and Joseph born 13/5/1869.  All were recorded as living at Lacca which is another townsland in the Carrig area.  Carrig has it's own Catholic Church, though in the Parish of Birr.  Ivy Hall is the name of a house which is in Clohaskin, Loughkeen, Carrig, Co Tipp.  In 1840 it was recorded that a Richard Palmer was living there and in 1845 a Mary Anne Palmer was leasing it at £8 per annum.  Perhaps related to your Mary, unless it is the same Mary who married James. Note that the address given at their marriage was Clahaskeen which I am pretty sure is now spelt as Clohaskin.  (pronuncation would be more or less the same)

    I have found the death record for your James - he died aged 85 on 16/4/1899 at Ivy Hall (that is were your story comes in) He was recorded as married on the Death Certificate and present at death was Kate (daughter in law)    Which leads to a record where Michael his son married Kate Hynes on 30/4/1898 in St. Brendan's Church Birr.  Michael's address was given at marriage as Ivy Hall.  In the 1901 Census there is a James Palmer aged 58 living at Clohaskin.  Possibly a relative of Mary.   Also the above Michael aged 30 and his wife Kate aged 26 are living at Clohaskin.  Michael is an Agricultural Labourer.  in the 1911 Census Michael of same address is married for 3 years to Mary and have 1 child born and living, Joseph aged 2. Their are 2 other children on census as daughters, Mary aged 10 and Norah aged 8 - I would say they are children of Michael and Kate and that Kate has died in the meantime and Michael remarried.  

    Wishing you all the best in your research.  


    Kind regards



    Margaret, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 28th Feb 2024, 07:21PM

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