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My 3 times great grandfather, George Henry Hewitt was born in Armagh on March 3, 1838 (according to his naturalization records and death certificate).  He left Belfast in 1843 and sailed to either Canada or the US.  He was married in Canada in 1860 and came to Michigan around 1867/68.  He was only five years old at the time he left Ireland, so I'm assuming that he traveled with at least one or both of his parents.  I have no information on either of his parents, not even their names.  I'm hoping someone out here on these message boards can help me out on this mystery.   

Tuesday 15th May 2018, 07:07PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi, I am looking over unanswered queries and see  your one obviously here on Hewitt, at this remove we rely on Church records and I see a few George Hewitt baptisms in the Church of Ireland records, (Anglican) but the nearest is 1837. There are 4 records for Armagh 1838 plus or minus 5 years, on Protestant and Presbyterian baptism records the mothers surname is not recorded, Christian name is.

    Other Presbyterian records are not always online, Methodist I do not think are available but they have a muesmum in Belfast which is helpful, if the smaller Presbyterian did not have a local church they often got the baptims or marriages done in the Church of Ireland. About 40% of C of I records were lost so they may be just unavailable. The Church of Ireland site has a record of the available records.…;

    Good Luck



    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 25th Feb 2024, 09:03PM

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