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Hello dear members, I just joined the parish to try and locate and confirm my ancestor Morgan Doyle (birth date 1765) possibly from Waterford county if I follow family verbai accounts. He imigrated to Canada and married Ann Power (another Irish imigrant) in 1787. Griffith's valuation show on match in Trinity Without Parish. I would like to confirm date of birth and parents names and any siblings. I am travelling to Ireland next month and hoping to visit the area of his birth place.

Thank you for any information that would help me in this search.

Friday 27th Jul 2018, 02:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Acadirish:

    Thank you for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.

    There is a baptism entry for a Morgan Doyle of 11 November 1753 in Trinity Within Cathedral.  His parents were:  John Doyle and Mary (surname not listed).  Sponsors were:  James Lahy & Margaret Harvey.  The National Library of Ireland (NLI) has parish registers available to view online for free for this parish.  The link to the page is below:


    The baptism entry is very faded and is at the top right hand corner.  Mary's surname is very difficult to read. 

    I also found a marriage record for a John Doyle & Maria Roche in the same parish.  This marriage took place on 14 January 1750.  Witnesses were:  Margaret Roche & Catherine Dangan.  There was a note on the register that one of the witnesses was the mother of the bride.  This would appear to be Margaret.  The link to this page is below:

    These records can also be accessed through Roots Ireland but that is a subscription website.

    You might try to contact the Waterford Archaeological & Historical Society.  Their email address is:

    If you need further assistance, please let us know.


    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 27th Jul 2018, 04:23PM
  • Thank you so much Jane for your reply and the links to follow. This is certainly a good lead to follow. If I could get names of siblings for one of the John Doyles it could confirm Morgan Doyle 1753. I will work with this and contact Waterford Archeological and Historical Society.

    Again many thanks.

    Aurel Schofield

    Monday 30th Jul 2018, 12:42AM

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