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am i in the right place?, this is on my grandfathers place of birth


Friday 19th Jul 2019, 01:04AM

Message Board Replies

  • Yes you are in the right place. Lisburn is in Co. Antrim but is close to Co Down. Many births, deaths & marriages in parts of Co Down would be registered in Lisburn.

    Let us know the details of the family you are researching and we’ll try to help.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 19th Jul 2019, 04:44AM
  • Hello, this is his story,it is all that i know 


    William Walker was born about 
    October 1803
    Lisburn County Doun, Antrim , Northern Ireland   ,i know this because it is on his son samuels death certificate. (he died at sea) ,

    his eldest son was James Walker born in Scotland   

    At some time, he moved over to Scotland, and married  Jannet Airlie, i found her parents and her marriage date, but nothing about Williams parents  are on it   (i can not find any more about her parents Thomas Airlie or her mother mary Harbison}

      Hand Loom Weaver "cotton"                                                


    Sunday 18th Aug 2019, 10:07AM
  • Hand loom weaver “cotton” was a very common occupation in the part of Ireland that William was born. Lisburn was the home of the linen industry and everyone was involved in making cotton or linen. (Cotton fell from favour during the 1800s and most production later was of linen).

    Checking the Scottish parish records on the Scotlandsepople site, I saw the following children born to William & Janet (all in Girvan):

    James 7.3.1836

    Janet 7.3.1836

    Mary 7.3.1836 (Triplets perhaps?)

    Agnes 1.9.1837

    Elizabeth 11.2.1839

    Elizabeth 11.7.1841 (1st must have died by that date, and they re-used the name)

    Thomas 11.6.1843

    Benjamin Aird 9.3.1845

    Margaret 31.1.1847

    William 18.6.1849

    Sarah 29.1.1852

    I can see the family in Girvan in both the 1841 & 1851 censuses for Scotland. Hopefully you have those records. In 1851 William gave his age as 46 (ie born c 1805).

    You didn’t say what denomination William was but the family was Church of Scotland in Scotland (Presbyterian). If looking for William’s baptism in Lisburn, I’d start with the 1st Presbyterian church there. Their records start in 1692. Failing that I’d try the Church of Ireland. Their records start in 1637. Neither set of records is on-line anywhere, so far as I am aware but there are copies of both in PRONI (the public record office) in Belfast. A personal visit is required to view them.

    You don’t say where Janet Airlie/Airley was born but if that was also in Ireland and in Lisburn then try the same records for her family. If you don’t where she was born it may be a needle in a haystack. If either William or Janet died in Scotland, 1855 onwards, their death certificates should contain their parents details. The 1851 census shoudl tell you whether Janet was born in Ireland or Scotland.

    Incidentally, Lisburn is in Co. Down (not Doun). It’s about 7 miles south of Belfast.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 19th Aug 2019, 10:27AM
  • Thank you  Elwyn 

    Jannet was born in scotland , i have no idea about her parents births or deaths, as for Jannet, she died in tasmania, Australia, along with William, im afraid he was a bit of an adventurer, ,all the children died in tasmania as well, it is primarily William i was searching for, i can not visit the places in Ireland, because i also live in Tasmania:), if there is any one who lives in the place you suggested his Birth certificate might be, i would be eternally great full ,if they could look for me, .


    Tuesday 20th Aug 2019, 11:41AM
  • I forgot to mention, Samuel  his son died on the way to tasmania, thats where i got Williams  DOB from.


    Tuesday 20th Aug 2019, 11:48AM
  • There are plenty of genealogical researchers who will look the records up for you. Researchers in the PRONI area:

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 21st Aug 2019, 03:06PM

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