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I've reached a roadblock in my family research where I know the names of some family members but cannot find their births or deaths in the records at for example.  Maybe because these family members are all focused in such a small geography (King's Island) and are associated with Catholic St. Mary's (and not the Anglican St. Mary's , also on the island), maybe there is a specific resource that would be best for me to use?




Monday 28th Aug 2023, 04:57AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Jonathan, it all depends on the years of Births and deaths. 
    Early years you can find people in Tithes and Griffiths Valuation records.  has births up to 1922, Deaths if they are there and Marriages up to 1944.   have births up to 1958 in Ireland. There is a gap 1922 to about 1930 where the Mothers maiden name is not listed. These are listed in the Registration districts not the actual addresses.
    The Catholic Parish books are from 1745 to 1862. 

    I looked in the Tithe records St Mary's is not listed. 
    I looked in Griffiths Valuation and the area in 1850's is Englishtown.

    Family Names would help and the years that you are looking for.


    Monday 28th Aug 2023, 09:52AM
  • Limerick records would not be in the church records at I think they include only Cork, Kerry, and Dublin.

    A very helpful site is  It's a pay site, and you can pay for a day, a week, etc.

    Good luck.


    Tuesday 29th Aug 2023, 12:22AM
  • Jonathan,

    St. Mary's Church (Catholic) has records on the paid site Roots Ireland...baptismal from 1745 to 1899 & marriage from 1745 to 1900. I would be happy to look on the site if you provide the names/dates of people you are searching for.




    Tuesday 29th Aug 2023, 07:40PM
  • As mentioned above, the parish records which are available online for St. Mary's (Catholic) run from 1745 to1862, and can be accessed without cost at this site, where you can download any pages you want:

    You can see more info about the townland of Kings Island at this link:…


    Wednesday 30th Aug 2023, 08:59PM
  • Hello Margo, Patricia, Carolyn and Kevin45sfl,

    Thank you each for your reply.   At this time I have found and can used the Griffith's Evaluation site (alot of fun),,, and for records research.

    As for names and dates, I'm searching the family of James Sheehan and Mary Lynch Sheehan, and I have found such a family and I believe they are my ancestors.  The 1901 census has them at Fish Lane, Limerick…

    and the 1911 census at Creagh Lane, Limerick.…

    These two lanes are very close to each other on King's Island.

    At the moment, I can find neither birth nor death record for Joseph Sheehan, the son. The census math puts his birth around 1897, so he could have died after 1972 and that may explain why his death record cannot be found. (Same for William with different math).

    This is just the starting point.  If I can prove that my grandmother is the daughter Bridget as seen in the 1911 census, I can qualify to apply for Irish citizenship, which is my dream.

    What we know about Bridget from direct experience knowing her and talking to her is that she had a brother Joseph, that she was born on Feb 12,1903 in Limerick, her parents were James Sheehan and Mary B. Lynch, she emmigrated to the USA at some point (unknown) and had her first child in September of 1929, and she was using the name "Mary Bridget" in all of her records in the USA.

    Anyone is free to PM me if it would be helpful to see the work I've done so far in familysearch, it is difficult being privacy conscious while communicating in genealogy websites but I do my best, and make my grandmother's familysearch identifier known to anyone who asks by PM.

    If I have found the correct family in Limerick, then the 1911 Census (extended information section) shows that her mother, Mary Lynch Sheehan, had 7 children but only 2 survived to the time of thecensus (Joseph and Bridget), which might explain why my grandmother spoke only of her brother Joseph, and (I believe) her obituary only mentions one sibling, Joseph.  

    Any further insights, focus suggestions, lookups (I cannot use paysites at this time), etc appreciated!




    Friday 1st Sep 2023, 08:31AM
  • Jon,

    Per Roots Ireland, here is their marriage record:

    James Sheahan & Mary Lynch 28 May 1890 at St. Mary's Parish/Limerick # 2 in civil record

    James (address Mary St.) was 30 years old, a labourer & Mary (address Sir Harry's Mall) was 22.

    James's father - Patrick Sheahan & Mary's father - Michael Lynch.

    I found their children's birth records on the same site, but they are also on for you to see...

    John 18 Apr 1892, James 3 Jul 1893, Michael "J" (I think the J means Joseph!) 19 May 1895, Patrick 9 Sep 1897,

    William Patrick 20 Mar 1899, Mary 8 Jun 1901, and Bridget 12 Feb 1903. 




    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 01:00AM
  • Carolyn, thank you for these researches that you provided.   

    The marriage and five of the seven children check out perfectly.

    One record ( John , born in 1892) does not appear in at all.

    William (born 1899), I'm sending the link to the record I found, is it the same record you found?  If so, I don't think this is a match because the maiden name is Lynan, and also because the address is "8 TheSquare".  I noticed with all the other children before and after 1899, the address is always Sandmall, which I know is on the southeast edge of King's Island.

    The record if found for this William is:…

    Are you able to please check again your record for John to tell me the address associated with the record?

    And whether your record for William is the same record that I linked.

    Thank you again, you found some good pieces to my puzzle, I'm grateful!




    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 01:47PM
  • Attached Files

    Hi Jon,

    Yes, that is the same record I found for William..I only included it because of the 1901 census record that you posted with William and Joseph...that is probably another Sheehan family. I have attached the church baptism record for John...not sure why there is no civil record, but these things happen.




    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 03:18PM
  • Attached Files
    IMG_7655.JPG (7.12 MB)


    I forgot to mention that the church baptism record does not give an address. To confuse matters even more, I also found this church baptism record on Roots Ireland for another Patrick...this could be their 7th child, and makes sense for the timing after their marriage as well as the Irish naming tradition of naming the first born son after the husband's father...Patrick. There is no civil record for the first Patrick either. What doesn't make a whole lot of sense is it shows he was born in 1891, but not baptized until 1896! I do not know if this is a transcription error. 



    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 03:46PM
  • Carolyn, when you wrote about a possible son Patrick...  ".this could be their 7th child", did you mean to write "this could be their 1st child"?

    Because in that case it would follow the naming tradition that you mention.

    I also notice that the birth record image that you sent for John (1892) mentions a Patrick apparently as a sponsor, which I imagine could be John's grandfather, James' father Patrick.

    I also notice in that birth record that the parish is St. Mary.

    I think what I'm going to do next is go directly to the parish microfilms at  .   However, I'm still confused about which Catholic parish contained the St. Mary's church located on Athlunkard Street on the east side of King's Island  (because there is another St. Mary's church, not Catholic, located on the west side of King's Island).

    I'm confused because I believe the civil parish for that area is "St. Munchin" and there is also a Catholic parish called "St. Munchin".

    And if i have to go through a decade of microfilm records  (basically from the 1890 wedding through the 1911 census), I want to make sure first that I have the correct Catholic parish that contained the St. Mary's Catholic Church on Athlunkard Street on King's Island from 1890 onwards.

    Would you know about this question of the exact Catholic parish?

    I've tried to attach a map image.  The Catholic church at that time was called "St. Mary's Chapel".  The image shows both St. Mary's Cathedral (Anglican) to the west and "St. Mary's Chapel" (Catholic) to the east.



    Image removed.



    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 06:42PM
  • Jon,

    Yes, I meant that Patrick (1891) IS their first born - to make the 7 total children indicated on the 1911 census. Is it possible that William on the 1901 census is an adopted/foster son??

    I believe you have the correct St. Mary's Catholic church on Athlunkard St., but their online parish records only go until 1862....the only other options are Roots Ireland or to contact the Limerick Genealogy centre - both which cost money. 

    The baptism records I shared with you say St. Mary's....if it were a church called St. Munchin's, it would say that. Also, St. Munchin's Catholic church is across the Shannon River, not on King's Island. Finally, on their marriage record, it shows that Mary Lynch's residence is Sir Harry's can see on a Google map that street is directly to the right of St. Mary's Catholic Church. Attached is their marriage record from Roots Ireland.



    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 08:15PM
  • Attached Files
    IMG_7660 (1).JPG (5.58 MB)

    Here it is...


    Saturday 2nd Sep 2023, 08:18PM
  • Thank you Carolyn,  I downloaded the image, I also found the underlying civil marriage record. Can you confirm that roman catholic St. Mary's parish baptismal records for 1903 are not available online (this is the info I received from the web page).  I have a belief that the baptism record I seek exists nowhere except in the basement of that local church.


    Monday 4th Sep 2023, 01:43PM

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