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Still struggling to find birth record of my great grandfather James Cuff[e] and his parents. Born in Tibohine, probably 1842. Is it possible to find his birth certificate and if so, what details would be on there? 

Thanks for any advice,

Chris Arnold


Saturday 23rd Apr 2022, 09:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Chris:

    Civil registration of births started in 1864. Prior to 1864 we have to rely on available church records. I searched the subscription site Roots Ireland and located two possible leads for your John Cuff.

    James Cuff baptized January 12 1840 father Dominic Cuff mother Catherine Raftery RC parish Fairymount/Tibohine

    James Cuff baptized July 9 1840   father John Cuff mother Catherine Callahan RC parish Fairymount/Tibohine

    There is another RC parish in the general area called Frenchpark but records for that RC parish do not begin until 1865.

    I looked at the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing and there were four Cuffe record. There were two Johns one in Tibohine and the other in Rathkeery townland. There was no Dominic.

    I assume that James Cuff emigrated. Do you know the name of his oldest son? 

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 23rd Apr 2022, 05:16PM
  • Dear Roger,

    thanks so much for your help. I am inclined to think James' father was John Patrick Cuff, but this was proving difficult to confirm so your records are extremely useful. James emigrated to England cc1859 and eventually married Eliza Ann Wardle from Macclesfield. His first son was named John, presumably after his father [?] and was born in Over, Cheshire in 1873.  Other people have suggested John Patrick was married to Anne Kelly, but one other researcher also suggests Catherine Callahan that you mention. Is it possible to obtain a birth certificate for James and, if so, what information would be on it? 

    Again, thanks for your interest; any further advice would be welcome.



    Monday 25th Apr 2022, 09:17AM
  • Chris:

    Civil registration of births did not begin until 1864 so pre-1864 we rely on available church records. The only other info on the baptismal record would be the names of the sponsors.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 29th Apr 2022, 04:06PM
  • Roger,

    thanks for your reply.

    Regards, Chris


    Sunday 1st May 2022, 03:17PM

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