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Looking for descendents of Patrick Ivers who married Mary Kelly in 1809 in Pallasgreen or their son Thomas born 1811 who married Mary Grady in 1839 in Pallasgreen.  In 1828 Tithe, they lived in Templebredon Civil Parish 3 Kinellengallive as tenants of Tim Hanly.  In 1834 Mary (widow of Patrick) in Fr Thomas Mahony Census, lived in Killeene Na Galive, which I assume is the same place.  In the Griffith Evaluation in 1853, both Mary's were widows living in Templebredon Parish, Clanwilliam Barony - likely the same place as in 1828 and 1834.  It appears that most of the land in Killeennagalive was owned by Hugh Baker, Miss Margaret Baker and David Burke and was leased to several different tenants like Tim Hanly who then leased smaller pieces to other subtenants like the Ivers.  In 1853, next door to Mary Ivers (widow of Pat) was James Kelly.  James was married to Margaret Ivers, daughter of Pat and Mary, sister of Thomas and he was probably related to Mary Kelly Ivers (widow of Pat).  On current day maps it is about 4.3 km from Kilteely just across the line in Tipperary on the road to Knockane.   Mary and Thomas sons John, Patrick and Jeremiah immigrated to America and settled in Eldred Pa and Buffalo NY.  They regularly interacted with the Ivers family from Cork who had also settled in Buffalo.  One of Patrick's daughters, Kathryn, was interviewed on her 90th birthday and said that her mother was from Tralee (correct) and her father (Patrick)  was from Cork.  Since we know that he was baptized in Pallasgreen, we have to assume that she assumed he was from Cork because his many trips to Ireland during her childhood were to Cork. The family in the Cloyne/Midleton area of Cork share the same names and one branch of that family emegrated to the US and were the Ivers family visited by our ancestors in Buffalo NY in the 1890s.   So it is possible that the Killeengallive Ivers joined the Cloyne area Ivers after John, Patrick and Jeremiah went to the US.  Members of this Killeengallive family who apparently did not emmegrate are:  Margaret born 1814, Patrick 1817, Mary 1821 and Thomas 1845.  


Tuesday 2nd Jan 2018, 09:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • See Ivers Connections Templebredon Tipperary and Cork

    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 5th Jan 2018, 10:00AM

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