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I ama descendant of Robert Hilliard and Mary Williams of Tralee who migrated to Australia in 1851.

William's parents were William Hilliard, a farmer I believe, and Elizabeth Thompson (nee Castle).

I am interested in tracing  further ancestors and would be interested in information regarding further ancestors.

Philip Hilliard


Friday 10th Aug 2018, 10:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Philip
    I found a couple of birth records for a Mary Williams in Tralee that would suit but amn't sure which one is yours. If you have a death cert for her, the age on it might help narrow it down. Also by looking at the names of Mary and Robert children will give you a good idea. The writing on some of these parish records is barely legible so some of the names below are likely incorrect, eg. Gobineta. Again, looking at children's names will help you piece it together.

    First Name-Mary
    Last Name- Williams
    Baptism date- 14 Jan 1793
    Parish- Tralee
    Diocese- Kerry
    Fathers Name- John Williams
    Mother's Name- Ellen Mahoney

    First Name- Mary
    Last Name- Williams
    Baptism Date- 27 March 1826
    Parish- Tralee
    Diocese- Kerry
    County- Kerry
    Fathers Name- Gulielmi Williams
    Mother's Name- Anne Ohilichan

    First Name- Mary
    Last Name- Williams
    Baptism Date- 29 Sep 1826
    Parish- Tralee
    Diocese- Kerry
    County- Kerry
    Father's Name- Richard Williams
    Mother's Name- Honora Ollonie

    First Name- Mary
    Last Name- Williams
    Baptism Date- 26 Feb 1829
    Parish- Tralee
    Diocese- Kerry
    County- Kerry
    Father's Name- Richard Williams
    Mother's Name- Gobineta Williams


    Friday 10th Aug 2018, 08:05PM
  • Note- I just checked and Gulielmi is the Latin for William.
    If you have any idea which Mary Williams is yours please message back and I'll see if I can find anything to confirm any if other children of their or in some cases above, what the surnames really are.


    Friday 10th Aug 2018, 08:07PM
  • Alicia

    Thank you for the information on Mary Williams.  I suspect the Mary who married my ancestor Robert is one of the 1826 ones or the 1829 one.  I can tell you that she and Robert were married in the Church of Ireland Tralee on 1 February 1852 and in the Roman Catholic Church Tralee on 2 February 1852.  My great great grandmother Mary was a Roman Catholic whereas Robert was the son of an elder of the Church of Ireland Tralee. I suspect this mix of religions may have been what drove Robert and Mary to migrate to Australia.  All their children were born in Australia, where Mary died of dysentry when her youngest child, my great grandfather, was just two years old.

    I believe Robert had a brother, Richard, who founded the Hilliard department store in Killarney.

    My main aim, at this stage, is to see how far back I can trace the Hilliard line.

    Philip Hilliard


    Saturday 11th Aug 2018, 11:22AM

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