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I could use some help with locations in Meath. I've googled and mapped out everything I can, but I think I need some local knowledge.   (I am cross posting this in Stackallan parish as well - as both Geronstown and Stackallan are mentioned.)

On tithe, John Downes has a farm in "Gormanlough, Stackallan parish."

On Griffiths, his son Michael has a farm in "Rochestown, Parish of Geronstown" (which is part of the union of Stackallan?).

When I plot out the location in Rochestown from Griffith's, it is in modern day Gormanlough, which doesn't exist on Griffith's but did on the tithe. (Help!)

First, I'm trying to confirm that this would be the same farm that was passed from father to son (From John on Tithe to Michael on Griffith's). It's still in the family in 1901 and 1911, having gone to Michael's son James Downes.

Second, Is there a way I can track it after that? 


Thanks for any assistance you can provide!  ~  Ann


Saturday 2nd Nov 2019, 02:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Ann, I am not going to be a great help, but hopefully some help, I live in Drogheda about 12 miles from where you are looking and was surprised to know there is a Gernonstown and Rochestown in Meath, there is a Gernonstown and Roche in Louth also.

    If you find you plot number on Griffiths Valuation and townland, you can go to the Valuation Office in Dublin and get the regitster which will show you how that plot or plots have changed hands or been divided and to who etc, this brings you up to the 1970s or so, not sure what  to do to go further but should be possible, however perusing the valuation ledgers is not the easiest, they will bring them to you, no appointment necessary and an overview of how to use them, but they are hand written with names crossed out etc, each change is made across the pages in the colour used, so possibly lots of different colours on the one line, leave time to sort it in your head, I have taken photos but as the record runs across two pages it is not easy to do or figure afterwards, leave your self time to take notes. If you see LAP written it means Land Act Purchase, meaning it was purchased from landlord at the time, occurred around 1900. 

    The Valuation Office is on Abbey Street in Dublin 1, it is at the east end on your left facing the big black railway bridge, Irish Life Centre , up the steps and on your right on the sort of plaza in front of the offices, there are lots of buses about and the LUAS passes too, however you may also check with the library in Navan or if you are in Slane maybe some one in the local hotel may know etc It is an unusual enough name. There may be a local historian. 

    My site email is if you want to ask anything and I may pick it up quicker if you are not around for awhile.

    Are you aware of this site I looked at Griffiths and they appear to have been the actual owners, notice the adjoining land was owned by the Marquis of Conyingham, this is the owner of Slane Castle, open to the public with coffee shop but there was a big fire there about 15 years ago and a lot of stuff was lost but they do tours so maybe worth a visit.

    Good Luck,


    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 3rd Nov 2019, 05:23PM
  • Ann, should have given you this link, Pat 

    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 3rd Nov 2019, 05:24PM
  • Hello Pat,

    Thanks so much for getting back to me!  Appreciate all the information  I will switch over to email and write more there.



    Monday 4th Nov 2019, 03:24PM

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